Hey everybody, before I can write on the topic of a physiological characteristic of the child, I have to break here to introduce The Philosophy of Yin Yang and 5 Elements Theory to make clear the terminology and classification used through my blogs later on. So what is the Philosophy of Yin Yang and 5 Elements Theory? By and large, it is an ancient philosophy of dialectical materialism. To make it simple, just break up the 3 words; philosophy, dialectical and materialism to each own definition.
- Philosophy, in short, is the study of science
- Dialectical is the discussion in general
- Materialism is all the surrounding material
A Taoist priest holding the symbol of Yin and Yang
Yin and Yang
The ancient physician used this philosophy to accumulate clinical experiences and formed the fundamentals of the present-day Traditional Chinese Medicine System.
The fundamentals of Yin Yang and 5 Elements are:
- Inter transformation
- Interdependence
- Mutual consumption(mutual roots)
When there is a Yin, there must be a Yang. So Yin and Yang contains each other; one compliment and supplement each other.
There comes a time when one element has a deficiency or in abundance; each will either supplement or consume the other element, causing pathological conditions.
Yin and Yang Phenomena
The list of Yin and Yang phenomena is extensive, nevertheless, here are the few examples:
Yin Organs:
- Lung
- Heart
- Liver
- Spleen
- Kidney
- Pericardium
Yang Organs:
- Large intestine
- Small intestine
- Gallbladder
- Stomach
- Bladder
- Triple burner(san jiao)
Yin and Yang Pathology
When Yang is excessive, it causes heat syndrome and vice verses the reverse takes place.
The same applies to the Yin force. So the fundamentals of Yin and Yang rule everywhere.
Before I go on to my next blog to write on the child physiological characteristic, I like to quote you some very famous Yin and Yang phenomena that apply to everyone in daily routine.
- Being and non-being produce each other
- Difficult and easy complement each other
- Long and short define each other
- High and low oppose each other
- Fore and aft follow each other
( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)
Best of all,