Hey, I'm so excited to come back to continue on part 3 of the previous subject.
So without delay, I'll write up the formula that I promised you for unblocking the Liver Qi stagnation.
So whether to use formula (a) or (b) depends on the clinical observation that you had gathered and know why, when and how to use the correct formula effectively.
I'll discuss these 2 formulas later so that you then would realise why is it so important to know the TCM fundamentals.
Now it's time to show How Ying, Wei, Zhang Fu and Jing Luo 4 Qi blend into the seasonal infections in Pediatric part three step by step.
Has the characteristics of which are:
Normally, it would link up to a minimum of 3 types of seasonal virus-like cold with wind and wetness causing Arthralgia in children. The seasonal virus also commonly seen to affect, with the intake of dairy product, the body causing stomach flu ( cough, running nose, vomiting, bloated and diarrhoea.)
This would be the typical first TCM syndrome called:
Has the characteristics of which are:
Cold affecting Spleen Yang directly result in :
Delay treatment or recovery can lead to speedy transfer to kidneys causing (Shen) becoming indifferent, appearing pale and cold limb.
A cold usually lead to atrophy:
Has the characteristics of which are:
Means heat turn into fire produce wind = intense wind =move phlegm=intense phlegm =seisure
This would be the typical third TCM syndrome called:
Has the characteristics of which are:
Hey, I'm so excited to come back to continue on part 2 of the previous subject.
So without delay, I'll kick off with the ever-moving clear nutrient energy, Qi which has these physiological functions:
This is How Ying, Wei, Zhang Fu and Jing Luo 4 Qi blend into the seasonal infections in Pediatric part two:
Qi is in charge of the growth and development of the human body so that the
are closely related to the smooth voyage of this Qi. So any deficiency in the Qi will result in the retention of water and blood stagnation in the, particularly affected organ.
I quote from the Emperor's Interior Sutra:
{the officer in charge of the blood and Qi, loves warm and expels cold, cold causes atrophy and resultant stagnation, only warmth can expel the shrinkage and stagnation removed} unquote
This means that the Qi is very much like the resource of heat generation whereby the ability to maintain the normal temperature of the body and blood-fluid circulation is greatly dependent on the warming effect.
And so there are many examples of the warming effect felt in our routine especially among people who have cold hand and feet.
So we have touched on the Wei Qi which is solely responsible for the defence mechanism of the body when the seasonal virus starts to invade the body through the integumentary system. Wei Qi derived from Yuan Qi which is also the ever-moving innate Qi defending the invaded virus so that the body can 'reboot' back to a healthy stage overcoming the invasion.
Gasification is the process where Qi moves to combine with air inhales and the digestion of food to create clear nutrient for the body to function.
So again it boils down to the same effect so that the metabolism, inter-organ function, and all related physiological function like digestion to excretion of the turbidity are maintained at specific normal condition.
Capturing and yet not over spilling
Yang's property
Qi is the ever-moving clear nutrient energy in charge of:
Today, I'm going to continue where I have left out on the Physiological Characteristic development of the child in the context of the TCM fundamentals. There are many ancient classical medical schools of thought advocating this topic in their specific fields. However, only the most appropriate aces are then picked and categorised into these 2 main groups:
Hey everybody, before I can write on the topic of a physiological characteristic of the child, I have to break here to introduce The Philosophy of Yin Yang and 5 Elements Theory to make clear the terminology and classification used through my blogs later on. So what is the Philosophy of Yin Yang and 5 Elements Theory? By and large, it is an ancient philosophy of dialectical materialism. To make it simple, just break up the 3 words; philosophy, dialectical and materialism to each own definition.
The neonate has 2 kinds of activities:
We shall see all activities taking place in the order of:
After this, as the infant progress into the next stage and so on, a movement like climbing the stairs and jumping over will be more powerful, precise and accurate.
The stages of precisive movement development are reflected in how the child grips an object, like:
A newborn baby from birth to the 28th day in the first month is defined as in the Neonatal period The baby better known as the neonate...