Hey, I'm so excited to come back to continue on part 2 of the previous subject.
So without delay, I'll kick off with the ever-moving clear nutrient energy, Qi which has these physiological functions:
This is How Ying, Wei, Zhang Fu and Jing Luo 4 Qi blend into the seasonal infections in Pediatric part two:
Propelling Effect
Qi is in charge of the growth and development of the human body so that the
- Inter organ and meridian physiological functions
- production of blood
- metabolism of the bodily fluid
are closely related to the smooth voyage of this Qi. So any deficiency in the Qi will result in the retention of water and blood stagnation in the, particularly affected organ.
I quote from the Emperor's Interior Sutra:
{the officer in charge of the blood and Qi, loves warm and expels cold, cold causes atrophy and resultant stagnation, only warmth can expel the shrinkage and stagnation removed} unquote
This means that the Qi is very much like the resource of heat generation whereby the ability to maintain the normal temperature of the body and blood-fluid circulation is greatly dependent on the warming effect.
And so there are many examples of the warming effect felt in our routine especially among people who have cold hand and feet.
Defending Effect
So we have touched on the Wei Qi which is solely responsible for the defence mechanism of the body when the seasonal virus starts to invade the body through the integumentary system. Wei Qi derived from Yuan Qi which is also the ever-moving innate Qi defending the invaded virus so that the body can 'reboot' back to a healthy stage overcoming the invasion.
- Yuan Qi = abundant = robust body = less prone to sickness
- Yuan Qi = deficient = weak body = more prone to sickness
Gasification is the process where Qi moves to combine with air inhales and the digestion of food to create clear nutrient for the body to function.
So again it boils down to the same effect so that the metabolism, inter-organ function, and all related physiological function like digestion to excretion of the turbidity are maintained at specific normal condition.
Capturing and yet not over spilling
The primary function of Qi is to capture in vivo fluidizable substance of the body so that under the normal condition:
- Blood will not overflow or overspill its pathway causing a haemorrhage
- The secretion of sweat and urine will not cause dehydration or water retention in the tissue on the contrary.
- 1) in term of pulsation of the heart and inhales from the lung match up to the Growth of blood and in turns produce and carry the Qi to all parts of the body.
- 2) in term of outspread movement of the liver would match up to the regulating of Qi in all aspects of the Optimal function in each organ.
- Wind
- Cold
- Heat
- Fire
- Wetness
- Dryness
Qi Deficiency
- Short breathing time
- Vocal voice slow and weak
- Difficulty in catching breathe especially after a short walk.
- Enuresis (bedwetting) a little different from incontinence
- Nocturnal emission (wet dream)
Qi Stagnation
- Smooth Sailing through the human body.
- 1) localised pain spots
- 2) Felt bloated
- 3) the pain come and fade away
- 4) affected pain spot is not fixed.
- 5) pain is related to emotion
- 1) Qi Stagnation in the stomach will cause abdominal pain and felt bloated
- 2) Qi Stagnation in the Liver meridian channel would cause breast tenderness, abdominal bloated.
- 3) even the urge of defecation with an unfinished feeling is also part of Qi Stagnation in the digestive passage.