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How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Thirty One

Hey, I'm back to continue on the next chapter which is the reverse of cold phlegm trapped deeply.  It's a balance between the YinYang again as there should be hot phlegm deeply trapped to be dissolved.

This is how to analyse the Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part 31.

Flu with Heaty phlegm contained deeply can be relieved by dissolving the phlegm and clearing the lung air way and calming the asthmatic condition.

Treatment formulas are:
  • Ding Chuan Tang
  • Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang

The difference between the 2 will be discriminated against individually.  I will list out the herbs in the order that comprise the first formula(Ding Chuan Tang) and they are:

Ma Huang
Bai Guo
Su Zi
Xing Ren
Fa Ban Xia
Kuan Dong Hua
Sang Bai Pi
Huang Qin
Gan Cao

The discrimination between Ding Chuan Tang and Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang will be dealt with separately and the former would be discussed now.   

Both decoctions are suitably formulated for:

  • Cold virus Flu invasion with Hot phlegm trapped deeply and

Each has its way to:

  •  Relief Cough and Ease Asthmatic Condition

Monarch's Herbs

Today I'll be touching on the Monarch's herbs and they are:
  • Ma Huang and Bai Guo

The scientific name for these 2 herbs are:
  • Bai Guo - is better known as Ginkgo Biloba and only the ripened fruit is used.  
  • Ma Huang - please refer to my previous blog on the analysis,

and I'll touch on the topic of Hot phlegm trapped deeply, especially in the Lung.

We begin with the threshold established.

Association to the Specific Meridian Channel

Bai Guo is associated with:
  •  Lung Meridian Channel only

and Ma Huang is associated with:

  • Bladder Meridian Channel
  • Lung Meridian Channel

Specific Taste

The specific taste of both herbs are as follow:

  • Bai Guo -  sweetbitter and astringent(puckery)
  • Ma Huang -  slightly bitter

Specific Property

The specific property of both Bai Guo is

  • Moderate

and Ma Huang is 

  • warm

As I've mentioned in (part one) published in August 2021 of this analysis, these are the new terminologies to be used for heaty removal and detoxification:

  1. Sweet flavour and Cooling property herbs to clear heaty virus infection
  2. Bitter flavour and cooling property herbs to dissipate heaty virus infection
  3. Bitter flavour and cooling property herbs to clear heaty virus infection
  4. Salty flavour and cooling property herbs to clear heaty virus infection

Apply (GanKuSePingLianFeiPingChuanZhiKe) whenever Bai Guo is used.

Common suitable treatments using Ding Chuan Tang are:

  1. Chronic Bronchitis with yellow phlegm
  2. Bronchial Asthma with yellow phlegm


Best of all,


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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