Hey, I'm back to discuss today's new subject on the new another half of the discrimination which is:
- Xiao Qing Long Tang
We're still on the same topic:
- Cold phlegm trapped deeply and
The rest is to juggle on the individual herb to:
- Relief Cough and Ease Asthmatic Condition
This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions. (part 27)
These are the individual herbs constituting the decoction;
- Xiao Qing Long Tang
Ma Huang
Gui Zhi
Gan Jiang
Xi Xin
Wu Wei Zi
Shao Yao
Fa Ban Xia
Gan Cao
Today I'll be touching on the Monarch's herbs in this decoction and they are:
Monarch's Herbs - Gui Zhi and Ma Huang
As it's already passed a certain reasonable time, it becomes very appropriate to revise with you now.
Association to the Specific Meridian Channel
- Lung
- Heart
- Bladder - Meridian Channels respectively
- Bladder
- Lung - Meridian Channels respectively
Specific Taste
The specific taste of both herbs are as follow:
- Gui Zhi - pungent and sweet
- Ma Huang - pungent and a little bitter
Specific Property
The specific property of both Gui Zhi and Ma Huang is
- warm
Apply (Xin Wen Jie Biao Ping Chuan San Jie) whenever Ma Huang is used.
Apply (Xin Wen Zhi Tong Zhi Ke Ping Chuan San Jie) whenever Gui Zhi is used.
Next development - Shadow of new decoction
At this junction, it has come to a point that you would discover some new formula, have you? And it becomes imperative that I should show you how. The new development is to sidetrack a little so that you would not feel the difficulties in learning Traditional Chinese Medicine.
What is the Shadow of New Decoction?
Just before I explain that, let me relate the proactive thinking of the Shadow. Normally it needs some prerequisites;
- a reasonable lapse of time to develop some understanding of certain herbs with the threshold established
to discover this shadow.
Shadow means the image of another formula discovered and plays its role in the current formula. So there is a shadow of Gui Zhi Tang in the Larger decoction, Xiao Qing Long Tang. Although there is a slight variation in one herb of the Gui Zhi Tang, it does not affect the main monarch's herbs from performing their function for the whole decoction. Is so far ok and can comprehend?
The difference between Sheng Jiang and Gan Jiang lies in the process of drying up the Sheng Jiang or better known as raw ginger resulting in specific properties of the former as
- warm
and the latter as
- hot.
In our topic today, Xiao Qing Long Tang uses
- Gan Jiang
and Gui Zhi Tang uses
- Sheng Jiang.
Therefore the adoption of Gan Jiang into Gui Zhi Tang becomes secondary importance and I'll discuss the function of Gui Zhi Tang in Xiao Qing Long later in my next blog. This would clear all doubt and confusion caused.
Xiao Qing Long Tang is dedicated to treatments when:
- Observed that there is No perspiration
- Wheezing sound detected in the throat with much light and thin phlegm
- Asthmatic conditions worsen when reclined
- Body ache detected
- Light oedema observed