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How to link the 3rd Yang Organ-The Stomach to the Yin Organs

Hey, I'm back to the pageant of How to link the 3rd Yang Organ-The Stomach to the Yin Organs.  By and large, the very first idea to strike the mind when talking about the Stomach is:

by the secreted acid (HCL) and digestive enzymes.  And this is what the TCM Fundamentals always stress on using these denaturing and cooking abilities to complete the primary digestion process.  However, the original text is only using two words to represent all the explanation in the aforesaid paragraph. 


So, this is it and formed the basic Fundamental:

And upon fulfilling these criteria, the new energy is formed and called Stomach Qi.

Am I going too fast?

I shall continue what is going on at the digestion process, the denaturing and cooking up would convert the digested food into a semi-liquid compound called Chyme.  In the TCM perspective, there is a certain amount of absorption of the clear nutrients at this stage *.

  • The TCM Stomach will absorb the clear nutrients and make use of the TCM Spleen to raise the CLEAR to feed all parts of the body.
  • So this is also the way how the TCM Stomach links up with The TCM Yin Spleen as they backup each other exterior-interiorly.
So, whatever that is not absorbed will be transferred into the Small Intestine for further digestion and absorption.  Please read my last blog on Small Intestine for your revision.
As I have mentioned, I am concerned more about the TCM aspects and if you do have any question about the biological aspects of the stomach please feel free to comment at the Contact Us below.
At this point, it is necessary to highlight the 4 basic methods of TCM diagnosis:
So that learning TCM would be easier to adapt and progress as time goes by.  The Stomach Qi is not only of prime importance about the 5 Yin Organs in the TCM perspective. 
As part of the principles, the TCM Stomach Qi is directly related to the supply of nutrient resources for the whole system by playing its part in complying with the Fundamentals. Therefore it's always a good practice to sustain and strengthen this Stomach Qi during treatment in clinical practice. The vitality of the Stomach Qi is reflected in the pulse palpation and tongue coating observation
During Pulse palpation, the Stomach Qi should be:
During Observation, the Tongue coating should be:
And the Overall facial appearance is bright and lively.
The conclusion is Stomach Qi is strong and vibrant used as a guide for prognosis on treatment and prescription orientation.

My topic today is How to link the 3rd Yang Organ-The Stomach to the Yin Organs.  This is how:
Biological Characteristics
The TCM Stomach has the properties:
There's a school of thought (Qi Transportation Theory)stated that there are 6 types of Qi, namely:
  • Wind
  • Cold
  • Heat
  • Fire
  • Wetness
  • Dryness
The 6 Qi theory domineers over how illness can transfer from one stage to another.  This will be discussed when I move into 6 Qi analytical studies in pathology.
Concurrently they are reclassified into 2 main groups,
  • 3 Yin and 
  • 3 Yang
With the
  • wind as superior domineering over (Ju Yin)
  • Heat as superior domineering over (Shao Yin)
  • Wetness as superior domineering over(Tai Yin)
  • Fire as superior domineering over (Shao Yang)
  • Dryness as superior domineering over (Yang Ming)
  • Cold as superior domineering over ( Tai Yang
Forming 6 meridian groups
And from here as described in the Emperor's Interior Sutra ***, Heat section, these 6 meridian groups are then rearranged according to the way how the sickness was detected and transfer to the next stage due to subject (Heat) element.  Therefore these 6 meridian groups are arranged as follow:
  • Tai Yang
  • Yang Ming
  • Shao Yang
  • Tai Yin
  • Shao Yin
  • Ju Yin
The initial transfer will be from Tai Yang to Yang Ming then to Shao Yang and so on, that is stage by stage.
It is getting more interesting because these 6 meridian groups are further divided into 2 branches each forming the arm and limb pairs of the same meridian group.  I will list them out so that interpretation is clearer, as follow:
  • Tai Yang (arm) small intestine
  • Tai Yang(limb) bladder
  • Yang Ming(arm) large intestine
  • Yang Ming(limb) stomach
  • Shao Yang (arm) San jiao
  • Shao Yang (limb) gall bladder
  • Tai Yin(arm) lung
  • Tai Yin(limb) spleen
  • Shao Yin(arm) heart  
  • Shao Yin(limb) kidney
  • Ju Yin(arm) pericardium
  • Ju Yin(limb) liver
Next, as you can see from here, the 12 Meridian Channels are formed, each having their respective acupuncture points and linking to back up each other exterior-interiorly. They are also connected forming the 12 meridian paths throughout the human body.
To summarise, the TCM Stomach and Large Intestine(both are sharing the same central Earth and belong to Yang Ming meridian group as well) received the innate dryness when fire 'heat' up the water causing the effect in the central Earth. However, this dryness requires the water to moist this phenomena as a normal course.  As explained earlier, besides the necessary Stomach Yang's  'steam'  reaction, a large amount of mucous secretion and HCL is needed to denature and further cook the digested food and turn it into a semi-liquid substance called chyme.
Therefore, the greater the liquidity, the better is the digestion and the result is a better transfer and smooth sailing to the next stage, that is emptying the stomach and fill up the small intestine as complying with the tubular TCM Fundamentals.
Am I going too fast?
I quote the write up from the Emperor's Interior Sutra:
{The Earth from Yang Ming is dry,  need the moist Yin to calm this turbulence.} Unquote.
Therefore the TCM Stomach being the Yang property of (heat up) Earth, possessing the effects of heat and dryness which would hurt the TCM Stomach Yin eventually.
So the best and nearest Yin will be the Tai Yin which would moist the dryness to form what is known as Zhong Qi.
This is Yin Yang in Equilibrium.  The clear nutrients will be raised and rise to feed all parts of the body by means the TCM Spleen meridian path and lower the turbidity via transfer channels through the urinary tract and the large intestine.
At the same time, the TCM Spleen and Stomach (both located in the central Earth) form the perfect Yin Yang match backing up each other exterior-interiorly.
Finally, the descent of Stomach Qi as required is dependent heavily on how effective can the Stomach Yin nourished the TCM Stomach Qi in return.  Hence, when in treating acute illness, it is rather important not to overdose the strength of the TCM decoction to prevent diminishing the TCM Stomach Yin.
I like to present(to you), this perfect opposite physiological characteristics of the twin organs to ensure smooth sailing of the TCM Stomach and raise CLEAR and lower turbidity of the TCM Spleen to achieve complete effective digestion.
  • Fond of lubrication but repel dryness of the TCM Stomach
  • Fond of dryness but repel wetness of the TCM Spleen


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

Best of all,  


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