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Physiological Characteristics development of the child in the context of TCM fundamentals

Hey, have I given you enough time to digest and 'absorb' the Yin Yang fundamentalsThese fundamentals are very, very important throughout the Traditional Chinese Medicine applications. The Fundamentals RULE throughout TCM practice worldwide. It's just like any fundamentals lay in any structure, without which, the structure will collapse in no time. There are a lot more which I'm going to write about in TCM theory and you would be able to digest them bit by bit just like the stages of baby growth discussed in the previous blogs.

Physiological Characteristics 

Today, I'm going to continue where I have left out on the Physiological Characteristic development of the child in the context of the TCM fundamentals. There are many ancient classical medical schools of thought advocating this topic in their specific fields.  However, only the most appropriate aces are then picked and categorised into these 2 main groups:

  1. The Vibrant and Rapid Development
  2. Delicate Organs in the Unfilled Shape
Based on these 2 benchmarks, another 2 relevant theories are formed, namely:

The Real Inner Layer of the Pericardium

The Vibrant and Rapid Development

The choice of these 2 words was enough to make them a metaphor to the rapid growth and development of childhood. We will look at it from the bodily growth perspective point of view:

These ancient physicians have observed this dynamic changes of every child possessing this vibrant and rapid development characteristic.  So much so they had established the Pure Yang Theory to umbrella this special phenomenon.

A diagram showing the Lung and Air Sacs
A diagram showing the Lung and the Air Sacs

However, by looking into the terminology of Yin Yang fundamentals alone, it doesn't mean that the child possesses only Yang energy with no Yin at all.  (I have to grab you out of this spin to rest and digest).  So the Pure Yang Theory only stipulate this vibrant and rapid development as the fundamentals. That's it.

Delicate Organs in Unfilled Shape

Take a break and pat yourself for well done.  In TCM fundamentals, when we refer to Delicate Organs, there are only 5 Yang organs and 6 Yin organs.  That's it.  The Pericardium is taken out but I would write on how The Pericardium correlates with the Triple Burner in acupuncture treatment in my blogs later.  
It would take at least one to two blogs to complete the explanations on these 2 organs, mainly the Pericardium and the Triple Burner.

An Anatomy of the Spleen
Anatomy of the Spleen

Ok, I'm going back to our topic again.  The  'Shape' consists of Body Structure, Fluid and 'Gasification' function(much like industry gasification). And 'Unfilled' refers to the physiological function that needed to be fortified. The observation was done on the child's Unfilled Shape by the ancient physician which formed the fundamentals of Juvenile Yin and Juvenile Yang theory.

From the Neonate to Childhood stage
A diagram showing the Heart

I hope you can 'absorb' some ideas on the above discussion.  The classification and terminology of both theories are straight forward and super, super easy. 


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

Best of all, 


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