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This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions part thirty two

Hey, I'm back to continue on how to analyse the therapeutic functions of Ding Chuan Tang.
Similarly, the selection and reason why they are the minister's herbs in the decoction would be shown below as follow:
Minister's herbs:-
  • Su Zi
  • Xing Ren
  • Kuan Dong Hua
  • Fa Ban Xia

This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions part thirty-two

Let's start with the threshold established so far:

Association to a Specific Meridian Channel

Su Zi is the ripened fruit of the whole plant called Perilla frutescens or Zi Su which is another herb to be discussed in my later blog.
Su Zi is associated with the:
  • Lung
  • Large Intestine Meridian Channels respectively
Therefore Su Zi has a direct link to the Lung and travels there to supplement and fuel the power of the monarch's herbs in softening and hence removing the hot phlegm.
As a rule of thumb, it is very appropriate to apply:
  • (Xin Wen Zhi Ke Ping Chuan Run Chang Tong Bian) 
whenever Su Zi is used.
This means the combined application of: 
  • the pungent or spicy taste
  • warming effect
to disperse the heat accumulation due to cold virus invasion which is root cause and warm up the Lung to soften the hot phlegm to be readily coughed out and dissolved.  The primary healing properties of Su Zi are as follows:
  • Lubricate the intestine to ease constipation
  • Ease asthma and subdue cough

Specific Taste

Su Zi possesses a pungent or spicy taste.  

Specific Properties

Next, I'll touch on the specific property of 
  • Su Zi
which is warm.

The rest of the 3 minister's herbs were already explained in my previous blog published in October 2021 onwards. Inevitably, you must refer to them to refresh memories now and then.

However, it is necessary to bring out the important points linking up these 4 minister's herbs as below:

On the whole, there are 2 main functions to be listed here and using 4 properties,

  • Gan Ku Se Ping  to:

1) Disperse the accumulated Lung heat and relieve the superficial symptom.

Due to cold wind invasion, the prolonged cold has turned into resultant heat accumulated

in the Lung in the TCM perspective. (Gan Cao, Ma Huang, Sang Pi and Xing Ren would be used to complete this dispersion).

2) Astringe the Lung Air path to tonify interior deficiencies

  • Kuan Dong Hua
  • Bai Guo
  • Huang Qin
  • Su Zi
  • Fa ban Xia - would be combined to complete this function.

At this junction, I can sense that you would feel a little dry and boring. This is the treatment for you to heal this dryness. However, this is a part and parcel procedure when managing the usage of traditional Chinese medicine. The 3 W  and 1 H- why, how, what and when is the treatment formula.

Why, How, What and When

Learning all these analyses will make:  

you, eventually, would be able to know how to determine 

  1. why use this herb and not another
  2. how to use which herb and not another,
  3. what to choose and apply which herb and not another
  4. when to use which herb and not another most appropriately.  

This means that all of you would get every bit of knowledge of the TCM from me because I do not want to cremate this knowledge with me when my last day to leave the earth arrives.


Best of all,


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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