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How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Twenty

We're still on the same topic under flu caused by Feng Han.  This would be the lighter decoction between the 2 decoctions and so without delay, I'll now list out all the herbs found in Sang Ju Yin:         

  • Sang Ye
  • Ju Hua
  • Bo He 
  • Jie Geng
  • Xing Ren
  • Lian Qiao
  • Lu Gen
  • Gan Cao

Today I'll be touching on the Monarch's herbs and they are:

Monarch's Herbs - Sang Ye and Ju Hua

The scientific name for these 2 herbs are:

Sang Ye - is better known as Morus Alba and only the leaves are used.
It is found that Sang Ye is noted to clear and remove heat throughout the Lung including the Alveoli.
Alveoli are the many tiny air sacs of the lungs which allow for rapid gaseous exchange.

Ju Hua - is better known as the shade-dried flower of the Chrysanthemum Morifolium and belongs to the Asteraceae family. 

Good practical jot book
Ju Hua is found to be able to remove heat accumulated in organs located above the diaphragm

Overall treatment principles

  1. (pungent) property to disperse hot wind
  2. (Cool) property to clear and cool the 'heated-up' Lung
Therefore the whole decoction would be dependent on these 2 properties to decide on the different levels of herbs selection.
This is similar to the procedures and rules in clinical practice serving as a guideline to speed up and narrow down the decision to select the correct decoction to meet the diagnosed treatment.  So it's very important and should comply with these principles at all times.

Let's analyse them in detail with the thresholds established as:

Association to the Specific Meridian Channel

Both Sang Ye and Ju Hua are associated with

  • Lung 
  • Liver - meridian channels' respective

This association would with priority, carry the cooling and purging effect of both Monarch's herbs into the respective organs and its channels, capable of:
  •  dispelling heat
  •  reconciling the heat in the lung directly
  •  to reduce swelling.

Specific Taste

The specific taste of these 2 herbs are similar as follow:
  • Sang Ye - Sweet inclined to bitterness
  • Ju Hua - Sweet, Pungent and inclined to bitterness

Apply (Gan Ku Liang, Qing Re Run Hou Ming Mu) whenever Sang Ye is used.

Apply (Xin Gan Ku Liang, Qing Re Xiao Yan Ming Mu) whenever Ju Hua is used.

Specific Property

The specific property is as follows:
  • Sang Ye  - Cold 
  • Ju Hua - Cool

Sang Ye
The 3 specific tastes of this herb can be fully utilised as:
  • Sweetness and coldthe combined application to enter the Spleen excreting the accumulated heat like venting through the hot wind flu invasion from the interior to the surface and out of the body in the TCM perspective.
  • Bitterness and cold - the combined application to enter the Heart clearing the heat in the effect to lubricate the throat's soreness and as a result, Sang Ye can subdue cough as one of its secondary roles.

Ju Hua
So this herb would be performing the same function in the aforesaid paragraphs using sweetness and cool coupled with bitterness and cool in a way to complement the Sang Ye.
Nevertheless Ju Hua has the 3rd pair of combinations which is the:
  1. Pungent property and Cool property combined to: 
  • Disperse the hot wind virus
  • Cool the heated-up Lung

The next blog would be the single minister's herb and two paired 4th division officer's herbs coupled with their functions to fuel the monarch's herbs.

Last and not least, I'll leave you with sufficient time to digest this blog.

Best of all



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)



How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Nineteen


Hey, I'm back to discuss today's subject in our topic and to analyse the Lu Gen and Zhu Ye as the fabulous messenger's herb in Yin Qiao San.  This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions. (part19)

The scientific name for the 2 herbs are:

Lu Gen - is better known as Phragmites communis and only the root part is used
Zhu Ye - is better known as Lophatherum gracile or the leaves of the plant are used

Let's analyse them in detail with the thresholds established as:

Association to the Specific Meridian Channel

  • Lu Gen -  is associated with Lung, Stomach
  • Zhu Ye - is associated with Lung, Heart, Stomach  -  meridian channels respectively

Specific Taste

The specific taste of these 2 herbs are similar as follow:
  • Lu Gen - Sweet 
  • Zhu Ye - Sweet

Apply (Qing Re Chu Fan Li Niao) whenever Zhu Ye is used.

Apply (Qing Re Sheng Jin Chu Fan) whenever Lu Gen is used.

Specific Property

The overall role for Lu Gen and Zhu Ye is to reconcile with all herbs in the decoction to a moderate and digestive level. The specific property is as follows:
  • Lu Gen  - Cold 
  • Zhu Ye - Cool

New Terminology

What is (Chu Fan) in this blog?
Literately, Chu Fan referred to as remove anxiety.  
I'll discuss the anxiety here as it is necessary now and it is something to learn and apply when patients complain of some feelings within the circumference of anxiety.
The emotion (anxiety) is felt, in the patient infected with hot wind virus flu; like:
  • Emotional Discomfort
  • Fear 
  • Worry
Let's do a quick revision on how anxiety is formed.
Anxiety is a normal stress reaction and can be beneficial in some situations. It can alert us to dangers and help us prepare and pay attention.  Anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings of nervousness and involve excessive fear.


Fear is a natural, powerful and primitive human emotion. It alerts us to defend in the presence of danger, whether physical or psychological.  It is a good time to roll back to the Heart which is a 'Fire' organ in that sense, as and when necessary.  The other emotion when escalated would affect the heart is 'Afraid'.   Over here, I'll explain the main difference between Fear and Afraid.  

  • The former has an expectation or preemptive knowledge of the forthcoming event whereas the latter has no expectations at all.

Therefore the ability to remove anxiety by these 2 herbs would be an advantage to reconcile the whole decoction into a moderate and digestible one.

Another important point to note is:

There is only one type of anxiety to be found throughout the TCM perspective which is better known as Cardiac-anxiety.  The TCM fundamentals covering cardiac anxiety can be referred to, in my earlier blogs on Heart and Gall Bladder.

Good practical jot book

It is good to practice jotting down certain herbs commonly used to perform specific primary healing properties like :
  1. Clear and remove heat accumulated in organs located above the diaphragm
  2. Clear and remove heat accumulated in organs located below the diaphragm
  3. Clear and remove heat accumulated in organs located at the abdomen

Today we've Zhu Ye jotted down as the first item under category 1.

I'll leave you more time to digest this blog.

Best of all,



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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