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Limelight to the Fontanelles and the Deciduous Teeth because they form the ending transition of the develpoment portion

Hey, I'm back to write on the development transition of the child, I would like to add some Limelight to the Fontanelles and the Deciduous Teeth because they form the ending transition of the development portion.  So there are altogether 6 fontanelles, the 'soft spot' so to speak, noticeable right on top of the baby's head.  And they are positioned as follows:


Each of these fontanelles has a  very important profile related to 4 acupuncture points located just on top of this closure. (Anterior DU22 and 23; Posterior DU18 and 19) Off course, I will be illustrating how to use it effectively to treat migraine, prolapse, just to name a few in my later blogs. I have paste 4 diagrams below, each showing the position of the individual fontanelle on the skull.

Why are these fontanelles so important?  


It has to make provision for these bones of the skull to overlap each other so that the baby head can move through the birth canal.


The fontanelle provides space for brain development during the first two years of baby's life.  Please go to my previous blogs to read more.  

Time taken for closure of these fontanelles are as follows:

Indications or Clues

Slightly curved inwards

Dehydration due to improper bottled feed, vomiting, diarrhoea or overheated.

If slightly raised during crying and goes off when the baby stops crying, it is normal and nothing is wrong.
On the other hand, if the bulging did not subside after the baby stops crying and feeling a little hard, then it could be a sign of health problem.

So all these closure timings are indicators for normal condition.  Anything outside of these timing is indicators for medical conditions.  Your baby needs to see a doctor immediately.  I will write on intracranial pressure, stay small syndrome and congenital foolishness on related topics later on.

The position of anterior Fontanelle

The position of posterior Fontanelle

Sphenoidal Fontanelle

Mastoid Fontanelle


A child has 2 sets of teeth:

  1. Deciduous
  2. Permanent

 Best of all,


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