Hey, I'm back to discuss with you on the new formula after the puzzle with the previous blog on Yin Yang. I'm feeling very excited and refreshing, This time round we've finished with the prolong cough for the time being and now would move on to Remove Heat and Detoxification treatment.
In order to refresh your memories, I'll put up these important points together for today's discussion.
Remove Heat and Detoxification treatment is used when heat is concentrated and the following terminologies are very vital in all future TCM treatment applications:
- Using sweet flavour and cooling property herbs to clear heaty virus infections
- Using bitter flavour and cooling property herbs to clear heaty virus infections
- Using bitter flavour and cooling property herbs to dissipate heaty virus infections
- Using salty flavour and cooling property herbs to clear heaty virus infections
- Superficial level
- Interior level
- Wei, Qi, Ying, Xue, 4 levels
- Zhi Zi Chi Tang
- Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang
- Zhi Zi
- Dan Dou Chi
The Monarch's Herb- Zhi Zi
The Minister's Herb
- Dan Dou Chi
The threshold analysis on Dan Dou Chi can be referred to in my earlier blog and so it wouldn't be explained here like (How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions).
Association to the Specific Meridian Channel
Dan Dou Chi was analysed in my Feb 2022's blog and please refer to it as it could serve as a revision and at the same time can refresh your mind. I would hint that Dan Dou Chi first appeared in Yin Qiao San which means you can relate it to heat removal and subdue cough for easy memorising as Yin Qiao San is dedicated to this purpose.
Only Dan Dou Chi has the medical value for provision of illness treatment other than the normal gourmet Dou Chi.
Zhi Zi is better known as Gardenia Jasminoides Ellis in Latin and only the ripen fruit is used. It is associated with:
- Lung
- Heart
- Stomach
- San Jiao - Meridian Channels respectively
Specific Taste
- Bitter
Specific Properties
The Specific Property of:
- Zhi Zi is Cold
- Disperse the accumulated Lung heat and relieve the superficial symptoms
- Ease Cardinal anxiety
- Clear Zhong Jiao air passage and Qi stasis
- Being Light mass substance coupled with innate Qi is Cold
- Capable of rising due to light mass property coupled with rising Qi can disperse and adjust Zhong Jiao blockage
As a rule of thumb,