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How to use Observation, Olfaction, Inquiry\Auscultation, and Palpation in Paediatrics (part one)

Hey, I'm back to write on a new topic in Pediatric, ie the 4 basic methods of TCM diagnosis:

which is slightly different from the way in treating an adult.
This would be interesting and should break the monotony of the hardcore TCM fundamentals implantation.

5 Facial Portions presenting 5 Organs

First and foremost, we need to divide the face of the child into 5 portions, namely: 
5 portions representing 5 organs


In short, the Observations include:

So if the Shen is favourable, even though the baby is sick, the recovery is good and easy. On the contrary, it means seriousness in the illness.  So it's very important.

Next, the Observation  would be enhanced by the 5 colours discrimination as shown here:

White or Pale

If the face show white colour or pale would have the following indications:

Next, if the face showed pale and puffy indicate Yang Deficient and water retention.  This is water from Yin in the TCM perspective.
If the face show pale with cold limbs indicate Yang Qi is leaving the body and need immediate attention.

A pale face coupled with pale lips would indicate blood deficient as seen in  Anaemia.

If the face show red colour would have the following indications:

1) Heat

So if the face shows a red colour:
- Coupled with red ears, sore throat indicates heaty wind flu.
- Especially so in the afternoon with red lips indicates Yin Deficient with trap heat causing your sore throat.
- Turn pale with cold limbs and cold sweat indicate Yang Deficiency with Yang coming to an end, omens life-ending.
- Turn pale and with glossy surface indicates having vomit and diarrhoea

The 4 TCM diagnostic methods


If the face show yellow colour would have the following indications:
The usual pathological state is:

-Dull yellow colour coupled with the skinny physique indicates weak TCM spleen-stomach physiological function usually seen in case of malnutrition.
-Face and eye showing bright yellow indicates internal accumulation of heat and wetness better known as Yang yellow.

-Face and eye showing very dull yellow colour indicate stagnation of cold and wetness better known as Yin Yellow.

Yang Yellow and Yin Yellow are 2 terms commonly used in Pediatric TCM treatment as I'll discuss more in the later blogs.


If the face show green colour would have the following indications:
-Face showing greenish-white and frowning usually indicates abdominal pain with cold.
-The face would show a dull green colour, the child becomes unconscious or with seizures usually happen just before shock and epilepsy.
-Face show green with purple lips coupled with shortness of breath indicates a blockage in the Lung because of Qi and blood stagnation.


If the face show black colour would have the following indications: 
3 variations:

-When the face shows a greenish-black colour with cold limbs indicates Cold intensify in the Yin.
-When the face shows a dull black colour with abdominal pain and vomiting indicates possible food poisoning or wrong drug administration.
-When the face shows a dull greenish-black colour indicates the failure of Kidney Qi meaning it needs immediate medical attention in the TCM perspective.

So after discriminating the 5 colours differentiation above, I'll go onto the facial divided portions to narrow down to the correct diagnosis and off course the treatment later on.
So without delay, the first portion is:

The left cheek represents the Liver,
  • Sit on the East and depicting slightly greenish in the Springtime.
  • If turn into dark green indicates illness.
  • On the contrary, slightly whitish is fine.

The right Cheek represent the Lung,
  • Sit on the West and depicting slightly whitish in the Autumntime.
  • If turn into pure white indicate illness. 
  • On the contrary, slightly red is fine

The forehead represents the Heart,
  • Sit on the South and depicting slightly red in the summertime.
  • If turn into pure red indicate illness.
  • On the contrary, slightly black is fine.

The nose represents the Spleen,
  • Sit on the Central and depicting slightly yellowish as regular
  • If turn into dark yellow indicate illness
  • On the contrary, slightly greenish is fine

The Chin represents the TCM kidneys
  • Sit on the North and depicting slightly black as regular
  • If turn into dark black indicate illness
  • On the contrary, slightly yellowish is fine.

Best of all, 



    Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

    How Ying Wei Zhang Fu and Jing Luo 4 Qi blend into the seasonal infections in Pediatric part three

    Hey, I'm so excited to come back to continue on part 3 of the previous subject.

    So without delay, I'll write up the formula that I promised you for unblocking the Liver Qi stagnation.  

    A decoction to relieve Liver Qi stagnation

    So whether to use formula (a) or (b) depends on the clinical observation that you had gathered and know why, when and how to use the correct formula effectively.

    I'll discuss these 2 formulas later so that you then would realise why is it so important to know the TCM fundamentals.

     Now it's time to show How Ying, Wei, Zhang Fu and Jing Luo 4 Qi blend into the seasonal infections in Pediatric part three step by step.



    Has the characteristics of which are: 

    • Yang's property. ( propelling and warm turn into heat in nature)
    • Moving on swiftly
    • Transfers from one to another rapidly
    • Changes from heat to fire rapidly (Qi transportation theory)
    • Effortlessly inducing liver wind in the TCM perspective

    Normally, it would link up to a minimum of 3 types of seasonal virus-like cold with wind and wetness causing Arthralgia in children. The seasonal virus also commonly seen to affect, with the intake of dairy product, the body causing stomach flu ( cough, running nose, vomiting, bloated and diarrhoea.)

    This would be the typical first TCM syndrome called:

    In the perspective.


    Has the characteristics of which are:

    • Yin's property (cooling down and contract to cause atrophy)
    • Easily dominated over Yang Qi, and 
    • Consumption of cold food causing further cooling to affect the Lung Qi 
    • Result: wheezing sound in the lung leading to cold asthma. (feeling cold, cough, running nose, phlegm light, foamy, tongue coating white)

    Cold affecting Spleen Yang directly result in :

    • Cold loose stool, colour-- light, smelly, 
    • Abdominal pain, 
    • (Shen) looks indifferent,
    • Urine light and plentiful, not dehydrated, 
    • Tongue light colour,
    • (rare case= Neonatal scleredema.)

    Delay treatment or recovery can lead to speedy transfer to kidneys causing (Shen) becoming indifferent, appearing pale and cold limb.

    A cold usually lead to atrophy:

    • followed by Blood Stagnation eg premature neonate with Yang Qi deficient, 
    • causing Yang Qi unable to warm the dermis layer to the surface
    • further lower body temperature 
    • weak crying of the baby and hardening of the skin.
    This would be the typical second TCM syndrome called:


    Has the characteristics of which are:

    Means heat turn into fire produce wind = intense wind =move phlegm=intense phlegm =seisure

    This would be the typical third TCM syndrome called:

    in the perspective.


    Has the characteristics of which are:

    • Yin's property (cold and sticky)
    • Stagnation usually cause the Spleen to become like-immobilised causing Spleen's Yang to be sluggish and 
    • So much so that when wetness is abundant then diarrhoea could be the resultant phenomena.
    • When wetness combines with heat and affects the respective meridian, i.e. the usual spleen and stomach, the resultant phenomena =Atrophy.
    This would be the typical fourth TCM syndrome called:
    in the perspective.

    Has the characteristics of which are:
    Obvious Yang's property
    Easily dominate over fluid naturally; heat virus invaded the lung and stomach would cause inflammation along the meridian path and stagnate at the throat causing symptom of early sore throat.
    The heat virus usually will penetrate through the mouth to reach the lung would dominate and dry up the fluid and causing preliminary pulmonary failure.  The usual sign would be:
    • Dry cough, 
    • Little phlegm,
    • Sore throat, 
    • Tongue red, 
    • Tongue coating yellow. 
    This would be the typical fifth TCM syndrome called:
    in the perspective.


    Has the characteristics of which are:
    Obvious Yang's property
    Finally, all the 6 seasonal viruses would affect the children in such a way that could easily cause in vivo haemorrhage or coma eventually.

    Genetic Transfer
    So besides the seasonal viruses, genetic illnesses like epilepsies and asthma would affect the growth of the child after birth.  I'll discuss the short labour time of premature baby and the related problems like:
    • hyperactive
    • 5 lates
    • 5 softs,
    • dementia,
    • stay small syndrome
    • congenial foolishness 
    in the later blogs as and when necessary in paediatrics.
    This would be the typical sixth TCM syndrome called:
    in the perspective.

    I would like to include some glossaries for easy understanding of the terms that I used in the blogs.

    A typical chart for the 6 seasonal viruses in the TCM perspective 

    Very often, it is from these special classifications that the preliminary diagnosis and treatment are formulated.

    Best of all,    




    Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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