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A newborn baby from birth to the 28th day in the first month is defined as in the Neonatal period

A newborn baby from birth to the 28th day in the first month is defined as in the Neonatal period


The  baby better known as the neonate, once separated from the mother's body in which the body constitution is still very immature with basic physiological function not so fortified, needs dedicated care.

Therefore this means that the resistance to combat external infections is very weak, as a result, the occurrence of body temperature dropping and loss in weighing is easily found. Nobody can anticipate anything may happen or not during labour which may cause damages to the fetus resulting in subsequent Birth Injury to both the mother as well as the neonate such as: 

Therefore special attention is necessary to look after the:-

Caput Succedaneum

OK," Caput Succedaneum " refers to the swelling of the neonate's head that looks like a little lump or bump after delivery as illustrated in the diagram above(green shaded).  I had consulted a few doctors about Caput Succedaneum, if confirmed by Obstetrician, then it is nothing serious at all.

A diagram to illustrate Caput Succedaneum

Tummy Button
Umbilical Hernia 

Next, an umbilical hernia after consulting the doctors is a small opening of the muscle wall around the tummy button.  So organs around there can slip through causing a mound making discomfort in the baby. hernia 


Baby with Umbilical Hernia
Birth Asphyxia

Birth Asphyxia knew as neonatal asphyxia or perinatal asphyxia is a medical condition resulting from deprivation of oxygen to the baby and last long enough during the labour period causing physical harm, usually to the brain. asphyxia/

We now move onto the special attention is necessary to look after the:-

  • Infant Feeding
  • Keep Warm and 
  • Skin Care

Infant Feeding 

I also support and recommend breastfeeding is the best food for the neonate.  If breast-feeding or expressing milk is not suitable, then the formula powder 20kcal per oz is the next best choice.  One ounce is equivalent to 30 c.c.  Since the infant has a very small stomach capacity, feeding time regulated at 3 hourly is recommended.  And very importantly, the mother has to burp the baby after each feed or even change position.  Listen carefully to what the lactation nurse has told you and follow.
Your baby will give you a sign when hungry or feed full, under normal growing condition.

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.  Please look at my video again (scroll to the top), the baby is enjoying the secure feeling and warm in the Swaddle or warp.  Yeah, my video should at least worth more than a thousand words.
How to fold the baby into the swaddle,  rest assured it's super super easy.  The important point is to n sure the baby feel comfortable, l recommend arm down otherwise the infant can scratch the dedicated face with the fingernails.  Yes, baby loves the secure feeling in the swaddle.

Just remember that the infant has just come to this external world for only a short period, i.e., the first 28th days of the first month.  Hence the infant can't possibly tell you that he or she isn't comfortable because there are some red rashes on the buttock, but just cry.  At the very moment when you applied my recommended ointment over the rashes, you could see the baby's immediate reaction of feeling relief and comfort.  So I'm here to give you the best.  Undoubtedly, l will stand on the same side of any dermatologist to recommend Aquaphor ointment and baby wash. It is so mild that it will not give any discomfort to the baby's eye even it gets into during the wash.  And if you need to go outdoor with your baby, please remember to apply spf#30 sunscreen on your baby.

Best Regards,


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A newborn baby from birth to the 28th day in the first month is defined as in the Neonatal period

A newborn baby from birth   to the 28th day in the first month is defined as in the Neonatal period   The  baby better known as the neonate...