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How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Thirty Five

Hey, I'm back to write on the next formula in the same topic to dissolve the trapped hot phlegm which is:

Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang

Ma Huang  -   Monarch

Xing Ren  -   4th Division Officer

Shi Gao  -   Minister

Gan  Cao  -  Messenger

Once again, we've already covered the analysis of  Ma Huang, Xing Ren and Gan Cao and please refer to them as a quick revision.

Minister's Herbs

Today I'll be touching on the Minister's herbs:
  • Shi Gao

The scientific name for this herb is:
  • Gypsum which is an Ore and CaSo4•2H2o is the chemical bond

We now begin with the threshold established.

Association to the Specific Meridian Channel

Shi Gao is associated with:

  •  Lung 
  •  Stomach  -  Meridian Channel respectively

Specific Taste

The specific taste of this herb is as follow:

  • Shi Gao -  pungentsweet 

Specific Property

The specific property of  Shi Gao is

  • Cold


These are the traditional common suitable treatments using Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang:

  • Fever
  • Intensive Cough 
  • Polydipsia
  • Dry mouth and Nose 
  • Thick phlegm
  • Urinary Hesitancy
  • Puffy Face
  • Irritability

Apply (Xin Gan Han Qing Re Chu Fan Zhi Ke) whenever Shi Gao is used.


Wow, wow, wow, you would never think of such a vast and enormous treatment applications for Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang and of course there must be some quantity adjustment as well as combination of some other secondary herbs to complememt and supplement the main decoction.  More importantly, the main decoction should blend with the other additional herbs displaying its principal healing effect as the shadow especially catered for pneumonia fever and related sickness.  Whatever it is, let's get to know them first and will discuss them as and when necssary.  So they are:
  1. lobar pneumonia
  2. bronchial asthma
  3. viral pneumonia
  4. allergic bronchial asthma
  5. measles pneumonia
  6. acute bronchitis
  7. senile chronic bronchitis
  8. eosinophilic pneumonia
  9. lung abscess
  10. whooping cough
  11. epidemic Cold
  12. epidemic hemorrhagic fever
  13. epidemic encephalitis
  14. drug fever
  15. bronchial asthma with yellow phlegm
  16. suppurative sinusitis
  17. epistaxis
  18. rosacea
  19. suppurative otitis media 
  20. acute glossitis
  21. diphtheria
  22. suppurative tonsillitis 
  23. suppurative keratitis 
  24. fulminant conjunctivitis 
  25. corneal ulcer
  26. dacryocystitis
  27. psoriasis
  28. contact dermatitis
  29. urticaria, 
  30. pityriasis rosea 
  31. acute urethritis
  32. hemorrhoids
  33. orchitis
  34. postoperative urinary retention 
  35. enuresis.

The list can still goes on as more practitioners analyse and form other formulas with Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang as the basis.

I'll leave you now so that you would have more time to digest this blog as there are 35 new sick terminologies.

Best of all,



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