Hey, l'm back to discuss the production of pill or 'dan' using plumbum or better known as lead. The melting point of plumbum is about 327.5°C and is burnt with sulphur to form lead sulfide. The secret is to maintain a small flame after 327.5°C to melt the lead ore which flows out from the slag. So the quantity of the sulpfide is about half of the original mass of lead ore because it is necesssary to minus the slag mass.
The sulfide and refined lead ore are then grinded into very sandy particles repeatedly for at least thrice under heat and wait for the cooling time. The next step is to mix up all the herbs with this and grind into a powdery form. The final step is to roll and batter the mixture with alcohol into the shape and size of a sycamore seed. This manufacturing process has improved throughout the years with better equipments and new technique development.
Since our selected formula is Hei Xi Dan, therefore Hei Xi(lead ore) is used mainly because its medical benefit rather than its lead poisoning nature. The refined sulfide should be well controlled to a restricted quantity to reduce proportional percentage in the poisonous nature.
So Hei Xi Dan is not to be taken of the shelf and must be used under careful scrutinisation by a TCM practitioner***. The specific medicinal quality will be discuss in the threshold analysis.
This is how to analyse the Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions using the threshold established.
The Monarch Herbs
for Hei Xi Dan are:
Hei Xi
Liu Huang
- Plumbum which is an Ore and chemical formula is Pb
- Sulphur which is minerals natural sulphur, with atomic mass of 16 and chemical formula is S8 respectively.
We now begin with the threshold established.
Association to the Specific Meridian Channel
Hei Xi: -
Primarily, it seems to have little record of the lead ore except:
Since the lead ore is heavy and can be used to calm and stabilise floating Yang which mean yang is leaving the body due to a very critical condition of the asthma. Usually this would be a difficult case where the western doctor has given up hope and it is a good try to save a detrimental life threathening moment using Hei Xi Dan.
Therefore lead ore is:
- Sedative, calms the nerves (related to very critical condition)
- lowers the adverse effect and relieves asthma
- relieve swelling and detoxify
Liu Huang is associated with:
- Large Intestinè
- Kidney - meridian channel respectively
Specific Taste
The specific taste of both herbs are as follow:
- Hei Xi - sweet,
- Liu Huang - sour
- Hei Xi - sweet,
- Liu Huang - sour
Specific Property
The specific property of:
Hei Xi is
- Cold
The specific property of:
Hei Xi is
- Cold
Liu Huang is
- Hot
Apply (Zhi Zhong Gan Han Zhen She Fu Yang Jiang Ni Ping Chuan) whenever Hei Xi is used.
Apply (Wen Suan Wen Bu Ming Huo Nuan Shen Xiao Han) whenever Liu Huang is used
The emphasis for this blog is the precaution to be taken and memorising the correct terminology to be used. I'll back to elaborate on the other herbs to point out the importance of Hei Xi Dan.
Best of all,