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How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Forty One

Hey, I'm back to discuss with you a special case, the effect of the messenger's herb in Hei Xi Dan.

The Messenger's Herb

Chuan Lian Zi

Normally, it is common to use 

  • Gan Cao 

to regulate the whole decoction to become more digestive to be absorbed by the child. 

However, if you can recall, the combined effect of the monarch, minister and division 4 officer in Hei Xi Dan is extremely hot and dry, so it is most appropriate to use a bitter and cold property herb (in this case Chuan Lian Zi is the best choice) to regulate the effect of the whole pill instead of Gao Cao.

This regulated result is so surprise and overwhelming because of the following observations:

  1. Innate Yang Qi adequately re-supplemented
  2. Heated up abdomen(warm)
  3. Subdued asthmatic condition
  4. Overcome any other related adversity to normal
  5. Relieve Diaphoresis(cold sweat) definitely
  6. Qi has been redirected and channel back into the Kidney in the TCM perspective


This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoction (part 42).

The scientific name for this herb is as follow:

  • Chuan Lian Zi -  Melia Toosendan Sieb. et Zucc, and is (better known as sichuan chinaberry)

Let's analyse them in detail with the thresholds established as:

Association to the Specific Meridian Channel

Chuan Lian Zi is associated with the:
  • Liver
  • Stomach
  • Small Intestine
  • Bladder -  Meridian Channels respectively

Specific Taste

The specific taste of Chuan Lian Zi is 
  • Bitter

Specific Property

The Specific Property of Chuan lian Zi is:
  • Cold

The overall role for Chuan Lian Zi  is to reconcile with all herbs in the pill to a moderate and digestive level.

Apply (Ku Han Xing Qi Zhi Tong Sha Chong Liao Xuan) when Chuan Lian Zi is used.

Chuan Lian Zi is suitably used for these purposes:  
  • Relieve abdominal pain caused by:   

  1. Liver's Qi stasis
  2. Ringworm

It is time up for me to leave you again so that you can have sufficient time to digest this blog and l'll be back soonest to write on the next formula.


Best of all,


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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