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How to link the TCM Fundamentals of the 5th Yin Organ - The Kidney with the Integumentary System

Hey, I'm back to show you How to link the TCM Fundamentals of the 5th Yin Organ - The Kidney with the Integumentary System.  A special introduction to the TCM Kidney is necessary so that comprehension and interpretation would be so much easier.   How much that is inherited from the parents is referred to as the body constitution.   It's related and then has to roll back to the ovulation follow by the conception which is the beginning of life.  At this stage, the TCM Kidney's Essence and Qi start to be formed in line with the inherited constitution giving rise to 2 states:

Therefore, if the inherited constitution is in abundance the conception will grow into a stronger structure depicting a longer lifespan.  Likewise, if the constitution is in deficient, the conception will grow into a weaker structure having a shorter lifespan or the fetus may even die in the womb.  This inherited constitution is being passed on in the sealed physical kidney where I have to introduce and link another important TCM point to the topic called 

The physical kidneys are located:

  • At the rear wall in the abdominal cavity just behind the peritoneum on either side of the vertebral column.  
  • They extend from the T12 to L3 with the right kidney situated slightly lower because of the downward pressure from the liver due to the expanding movement from the diaphragm.  

The diagram to show the position of the kidneys

There is an imaginary midpoint between these 2 kidneys as mentioned above-named Fire of Ming Men or the Gate of Vitality.  It is all biology and nothing else because this Gate of Vitality is in charge of reproduction and sexual activities.  I'll discuss this as and when necessary.  

However, I have to stress this phrase:-

(The WAIST, this big portion HOUSES the 2 KIDNEYS) before I can elaborate on the breakdown of the TCM Fundamentals to be given below.  The TCM Kidney comprises of urological and reproductive organs including the 2 Kidneys themselves covering all aspects of

  1. Reproduction 
  2. Endocrine 
  3. Immunity 
  4. Urology
  5. Respiratory 
  6. Neurology 
  7. Haematology and 
  8. Movement as one complete systematic philosophy.


5th Yin OrganThe Kidney

Grouping to 5 Elements:  Water

It is most appropriate to have a little explanation now which can make this classification very clear especially in clinical studies.  By and large, if you want to understand the 5 Elements theory, it's very easy.  The whole issue stresses on 3 sequences:

  1. Generating, Producing, Stimulating or Facilitating 
  2. Dominating, Overcoming or Influencing the one after next along the producing sequence.
  3. Abuse, Insult, Offend or Against(can be in any direction)
As I had mentioned and to quote the Emperor's Interior Sutra:
  • The North generates Cold(frosty)
  • Cold(frosty) generates Water 
  • Water generates Salty,  and 
  • Salty generates the Kidney, and so on,)  unquote.  
Since I'm writing on the Yin organ,(the Kidney) it makes sense to start from the Water representing the Kidney in the generating sequence.  You can read from the diagram attached, Water generates Wood, Wood generates Fire, and so on.  Therefore these 3 types of the sequence will only serve as a guide in our clinical studies because not every aspect of the 5 elements theory is applicable or practicable in reality.
I'll reveal to you the reasons as and when the qualification arises in my clinical studies with you.

The 5 elements theory diagram
The diagram to show the 5 elements in TCM

Physiological Functions:
1) The TCM Kidney stores the Essence.  Therefore the Essence is defined as the very vital substance of the human body. It is associated with human growth development and reproduction cycle.  We can find the Essence come into the limelight in the area especially when the kidney is in deficient initially.  So this will also affect the Kidney in a way that Qi does not consolidate in that sense because the TCM Kidney is unable to receive Qi from the Lung aggravating the resulting Yin Yang deficiency in the kidneys.  As a result, it will stretch far enough affecting the other Yin organs as well as the Yang organs because they are correlated as one systematic body.
So the key point is to avoid Essence deficiency in the first place.
2) The TCM Kidney is by nature a 'water' organ in that sense.  It metabolises and regulates the water reabsorption into the kidney and discharge turbid urine to the bladder. Therefore it governs water.
3)  The TCM Kidney or best described as with its Essence, is in charge of bone formation and growth.  The Essence produces marrow which resides in the bone cavity found especially in the hip and thigh bones. These marrows have the potential to become specialised cells, such as muscle cells, blood cells and brain cells.

Upper Orifice: The Ear

The TCM Kidney has its upper orifice at the Ear.  The clear and sharp auditory of the Ear is dependent on the kidney's Essence and Qi. This would only come about provided that these 2 vital components are in surplus.  The Emperor's Interior Sutra asserted that:-

Therefore, it is very obvious why older folks couldn't hear so clearly because Essence and Qi are no longer at their peak in the body.


Lower Orifice: (The Urinary and Reproductive Tract) and Anus.

The Kidney has its lower Orifice at:

  1. The Urinary and the Reproductive Tract
  2. Anus
Although the storage and discharge of urine are handled by the bladder, however, the proper function of the bladder is still dependent on the favourable gasification of the Kidney's Qi.  As a result, Qi deficiency-related illness is very commonly found among our older folks in the community, such as: 
The Anus is the opening at the far end of the digestive tract. It controls the release of the waste material when it is ready.  Although it is part of the digestive system, it still relies on the favourable gasification of the Kidney's Qi to perfect its function.  I will use the deficiency in Yin and Yang of the Kidney's Qi to illustrate this point.  
  1. When the kidney's Yin is in deficient, the most likely consequences for the digestive system will be constipation.
  2. unlike Yang when is deficient, the reverse takes place, severe Diarrhoea is often seen.  
  3. I have even treated rectal prolapse from the Anus due to prolonged diarrhoea as a result of the Kidney's Qi unable to consolidate coupled with Yang Deficiency.

Bodily Association The Bone

The TCM Kidney is in charge of the bone growth which is dependent on the intensity of its Essence.   Once again the Essence produces marrow and resides in the bone cavity.  So I'll leave this bone structure as it is here and elaborate on it as and when necessary. 

State of Condition:  manifest in the Hair

I'm going to review this Condition of the Kidney as manifested in the Hair from a different perspective.  The Hair over here in the TCM perspective refers to the hair on the head and not the bodily hair.  It is still part of the Integumentary System. So this hair on the head is also termed the {Blood Surplus} in TCM perspective.   In another word, it means blood must be in abundant so much so that there must be a surplus.  This abundant blood quantity will bond with the Essence to create a condition so exuberant to feed the hair follicles through the capillary-vein connection at the papilla region.  The result will be a crop of healthy, glamorous, shiny and strong hair showing the state of good health of a person right from the top hair to the toes nails.

So far ok?

Emotional Classification:  Fear

The Emotional Classification for the kidney is Fear. Fear is a natural, powerful and primitive human emotion. It alerts us to defend in the presence of danger, whether that of physical or psychological.  It is a good time to roll back to the Heart which is a 'Fire' organ in that sense, as and when necessary.  The other emotion when escalated would affect the heart is 'Afraid'.   Over here, I'll explain the main difference between Fear and Afraid.  

  • The former has an expectation or preemptive knowledge of the forthcoming event whereas the latter has no expectations at all.

So when the Heart has a sudden setback causing Qi stagnation in the upstream(Shang jiao) would also cause Qi in the lower stream (Xia jiao)to inflate and feel bloated.  The inflated effect would cause Qi to disperse which turns into the adverse condition for the TCM kidney to consolidate Qi to bond with Essence.  Again the most likely consequence would be Incontinence occurred especially among the elderly.

Liquidity State:  The clear thick Saliva

The TCM Kidney stores Essence and its gasification will turn it into the clear thick Saliva which is secreted by the saliva glands.  So if the condition of overproducing in saliva prevails, then it would deplete the storage of Essence and Qi resulting in weakening its function in that sense.  Since this clear thick saliva is the product of the TCM Kidney, the correct handling procedure is to swallow the thick saliva but not to spit out. This good practice is recommended as it would lubricate and tonify the organs along its passage.

Correlation Match:  Bladder

The bladder is the correlated match for the TCM Kidney.  There are many interesting topics to be discussed when I write on it in the later blog. 


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

Best regards, 


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