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This is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part 85

Hey,  I'm back to commence on the analysis of the Huai Hua San using 
  • Ze Bai Ye

specifically to act as minister's herbs directly fuelling the desired reactions to stop bleeding, very similar to Pu Huang for its peculiar Astringent and hemostatic effect in the TCM perspective.  So, without further delay, let's dive in to the analysis.

The first of the 2 minister's herbs which is:

  • Ze Bai Ye(minister) - besides performing its primary role to aid the Monarch's herb in cooling the blood stream 
  • as well as remove blood stasis effectively in the TCM perspective. 


This is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part 85

The reasons for selection of Ze Bai Ye as the Minister's herb:

  • 1) to invigorate the blood primarily
  • 2) stop bleeding especially from the large intestine 
  • 3) subdue cough and dissolve phlegm especially in thick phlegm coughing due to heat in the TCM perspective 

Let's start with the threshold established so far:

Association to a Specific Meridian Channel

Ze Bai Ye , which is the young shoot and leaves of the ever green plant called Biota orientalis and only the leaves and young shoot is used.  

Ze Bai Ye is associated with the:
  • Lung
  • Liver 
  • Large Intestine - meridian channels respectively

Specific Taste

Ze Bai Ye 
possesses a  much stronger bitter and Astringent taste.

Specific Properties

Next, I'll touch on the specific property of  Ze Bai Ye which is moderate cold.

Comtemporary treatment
It is found the Ze Bai Ye can ease coughing due to heat accumulated from cold deficiency and result are very promising. 

As a rule of thumb, it is very appropriate to apply:

(Ku Se Liang Xue Zhi Xue Qu Tan Zhi Ke)

whenever Ze Bai Ye is used.

I would like to leave you now with this  blog so as to give you more time to digest it.

Best of all, 



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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