Hey, I'm back to analyse the next few formulae in the topic listed below with some new treatment changes.
Remove Heat and Detoxification
Over here, I would further elaborate within the next few blogs on 2 others formula before returning to the continuing topic because they are all very closely "related formulae".
Let's dive in now into the next 2 main formulas which in turns branch off to 3 closely related formulas stretching and pulling the herbs together. It's sound confusing now but would turn out to be very interesting, later on.
To make things easier, these formulae would apply when,
The criteria that
- Carbuncles turned blackish-red coupled with
- Bloody Dysentery.
are met.
They are :
- Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
- Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
- Sheng Jiang Xie Xin Tang
- Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang
- Huang Bai(4th Div Officer's)
- Huang Qin(Minister)
- Huang Lian(Monarch)
- Zhi Zhi(messenger)
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
- Huang Lian(monarch)
- Huang Qin(monarch)
- Gan Jiang(minister)
- Ban Xia(minister)
- Ren Sheng(messenger)
- Gan Cao(messenger)
- Da Zao(messenger)
- Huang Lian(monarch)
- Huang Qin(monarch)
- Gan Jiang (messenger)
- Sheng Jiang(minister)
- Ban Xia (minister)
- Ren Sheng(messenger)
- Gan Cao(messenger)
- Da Zao(messenger)
- Huang Lian(monarch)
- Huang Qin(monarch)
- Gan Jiang(messenger)
- Ban Xia(minister )
- Gan Cao(more)(Minister)
- Da Zao(messenger)
- Quantity changes in terms of weight
- The main function after the changes
In order not to be so windy and lengthy in one blog with so many points to remember, I would stop here so that you can find more time to digest this blog. Therefore, the how to analyse the Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions using the threshold established, should only be continued in the next blog.
I would return soonest to reveal the quantity of the specific herb to adjust so as to make each decoction functions differently.