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This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions Part seventy six

Hey, good day everybody, I'm back to start on a new chapter as we had done quite a bit in the previous months.  The next treatment guidelines continue as follows:

Cooling the heaty blood in the way to Stop Bleeding

In other words, it is necessary to:

  • Cool the blood flow and stop bleeding in the TCM perspective 

Without delay ,let's start on how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions part Seventy Six with:

  • Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang
  • Yu Nu  Jian
  • Xiao Ji Yin Zi
  • Huai Hua San

This method is usually applied to areas of light bleeding and internal haemorrhage, namely:

  • Nasal bleeding
  • Gum bleeding
  • Hematuria
  • Blood in stool

From the TCM perspective, the common blood disorders are anaemia and bleeding disorders caused by:
  • Heaty blood flows in a very arrogant manner as well as 
  • Not circulating in the proper channels.  
These conditions are then aggravated by the Qi, Yin and Spleen deficiency generally found in the children.

A caring practitioner would add herbs to strengthen the Qi, nourishing the Yin and invigorate the spleen in the decoction selection.

As you can see Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang is selected for this application too. 

So it's all depends on the symptoms observed as this decoction can used to stop bleeding as well. Please refer to the previous blog for a good revision. 

So, I will analyze with you on the new formula, namely:

  • Yu Nu Jian

The decoction comprises:

  • Shí Gāo
  • Shú Di
  • Zhī Mǔ
  • Mài Dōng
  • Niú Xī

I would like to break the monotony of the blog by injecting some special application utilisation of Yu Nu Jian.

Good pointer to remember

This is When the child complained of:

  • toothache with no decay of the teeth  
  • with or without gum bleeding

The Monarch herb; Shi Gao had already being analysed in Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang and please do a quick revision to refresh memories.

Lastly, I would leave you now so as to keep the message short and effectively clear.

I'll be back soonest with how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions on Shu Di(the minister's herb).

Best of all 



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