Hey, I'm back to continue on treatment after which I'll move on to break up the various formulas so that the learning would leap into depth no longer superficial. This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions. (part 6)
Nourish Yin and Increases the Body Fluid
When the child is infected with the following:-
- Measles
- Mumps
- Rubella
and these are caused by heat virus which would dehydrate the body fluid and further deplete the Yin.
- Qing Yang Fei Wei
- Sheng Jin Run Zao
- Zi Yin Qing Re
- Run Zao Tong Bian
The treatment formulas are:-
- Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang
- Zeng Ye Tang
Reinstate Yang and Resuscitate from Danger
This method is used when innate Yang from the child had almost excreted from the body in the TCM perspective. Under normal circumstances, there is no chance for the TCM practitioner to treat such conditions as the child would be hospitalised in the intensive care unit. Nevertheless, this is the method to be learnt for case studies such as {similar treatment used for different sicknesses and vice versa.}
What would be the observation constituting the innate Yang excreted from the body and these are the most probable ones:-
- Pale face
- No feeling in the limbs
- Perspiring profusely
- Very weak breathing
- Pulse palpation is very weak almost no pulsation
- Wen Zhong Qu Han
- Hui Yang Jiu Ni
- Wen Bu Xin Yang
- Jiu Ni Gu Tuo
The treatment formulas are:-
- Si Ni Tang
- Shen Fu Long Mu Jiu Ni Tang
All right, I've come to the end of this blog and feeling excited to start the next blog to discuss the formulas in detail with you.
Best of all
( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)