Hey, I am back to the pageant of How to link the 4th Yang Organ-The Gall Bladder to the Yin Organs. Just before I bring up the TCM Fundamentals on the subject, the TCM Gall Bladder has
Identical Characteristics
to of the testicles.
The Gall Bladder
The liver constantly produces bile besides the other 500 plus functions passes:
- the bile compound consisting of the conjugated Bilirubin via the bile ducts into the Gall Bladder to be stored and secreted into the Duodenum to emulsify the fats.
The whole picture looks like a tree and so-called biliary tract or biliary tree. So here is the important point, the peptide hormone called the Cholecystokinin from the Duodenum stimulate the veins and muscles surrounding the Gall Bladder to contract and squeeze to:
- create peristaltic waves that push out the higher concentrations of bile into the Duodenum.
This hormone, Cholecystokinin is better known as CCK in short.
The Testicles
Similarly, the Testicles also called the testes are the male sex glands. They have pocketed in the pouch of skin called the Scrotum behind the penis.
- So they produce and store the sperm.
Next, there is a tiny muscular tube that carries sperm to the ejaculatory duct called Vas Deferens. So during sexual stimulation, friction on the glans penis send signals to the central nervous system that result in ejaculation.
- Interestingly, the walls of the epididymis contract to create similar peristaltic waves that send the sperms into the Vas Deferens,
then pass through the prostate gland and these sperms mixed up well in the milky semen produced. The surrounding nerves also stimulate the seminal vesicles and prostate gland which forces the semen into the urethra to be propelled out of the penis in just a few seconds.
As regards to the peristaltic movement, you need to see how a little white worm move by humpback the back portion and shoot forward swiftly. That's mapped in the same way as food bolus passed down the oesophagus as well as the ejaculation of the bile and sperm.
Gall Bladder and biliary tree
The TCM Gall Bladder is positioned as the leader or chief among the 6 Yang Organs. It is dedicated as a Yang Organs because the Gall Bladder has with the characteristics of the tubular structure, note as:
- Transfer and never store
- Congested but not filled thoroughly
The prime difference here is the Gall Bladder participated in the digestion process by emulsifying the fats through bile secretion at the duodenum.
- Hence it is a Yang Organ as well as an extraordinary organ similar to the testicles.
- It's linked to the best correlated Yin Organ, the Liver, backing up each other exterior-interiorly.
Also, take note that by now, you should have a better interpretation of the Yin Yang Classification. So the Liver possesses the wood characteristics and termed therefore the Gall Bladder naturally becomes the
As mentioned earlier, the Gall Bladder is the leader of the 6 Yang Organ, is in charge of
- Decision making and
- Regulates inter-organ Qi.
Physiological Function
Since the TCM Gall Bladder backup the TCM Liver
the proper secretion of the concentrated bile is closely associated with the Liver's secretion of diluted bile via the common hepatic and common bile duct into the duodenum. In the case of Gall Bladder Stone
the concentrated bile to be secreted, the diluted bile still flow out from the Liver to emulsify the fats in the duodenum to a lesser degree causing
(3)obvious indigestion.
However, if the Gallstone is causing prolong blockage of the Gall bile excretion, the concentrated bilirubin would cause a higher concentration in the Gall Bladder creating
- acute jaundice and
- yellowing of the eye white which need immediate medical attention.
- Anorexia
- Bloating
- Diarrhoea
A common procedure called the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is used to open up the bottleneck of the Gall Bladder at the junction with the cystic duct just to release the Gallstone into the Duodenum to be dissolved.
In this way, the Gall Bladder will be able to secrete sufficient bile to emulsify the fats so that the smooth sailing of the transfer channel can return to its course.
In the TCM perspective, the causes of the above aforesaid paragraph would be the:
- Damp-heat(heat generated with accumulated wetness)Accumulation within the Liver and Gall Bladder.
- Descending Smooth Sailing for the Gall Bladder Qi is essential,
likewise, if the Gall Bladder Qi ascends, then the usual consequences would be
- bitter taste at the mouth
- vomiting greenish-yellow liquid
which is the effect of gall bile reflux upwards.
In charge of decision making and regulates inter-organ Qi
The TCM Gall Bladder is the leader among the 6 Yang Organs and is in charge of every decisive action to be carried out in the body especially in regulating the flow of blood and Qi around the body. In this way that TCM Gall Bladder is also linked with all the Yin Organs as to regulate blood and Qi in all the Yin Organs as one complete entity in that sense.
I quote from the Emperor's Interior Sutra:
{Whatever the 11 Yin Yang Organs are concerned, all their functions have to be decided by the Gall Bladder} unquote.
So, when the Gall Bladder is unable to function in its normal course in the case of Gall Stone, the most likely consequences would be:
In another word, the human body would not able to decide on the correct action and get very messed up in that sense if the Gall Bladder is not functioning properly. The TCM Liver is:
- a bold and firm viscus equipped with all the 'plans and strategies
will back up the Gall Bladder who will decide on what actions to be taken. Together they pay due respect to the:
- The heart is the chief of the Yin Organs,
regardless of whether blood is still necessary to be made in the digestion as a result of Yin Liver backing up the Gall Bladder in the process. Yin Yang Pair in equilibrium. (Yin Wood and Yang Wood)Emotional Classification: Fond of Tranquility
Last and not least, I would like to inject you with some TCM ideology to make this topic more lively.
Why is our ancient physician so intelligent that the quotation above using Gall Bladder as a decisionmaker and not the TCM Liver. The reason is as follows:
- Yang as part of Yin base
- however, Yin is governed by Yang
- Yang leads Yin follows.
- TCM Gall Bladder as Yang Wood
- And TCM Liver as Yin Wood
- Therefore TCM Gall Bladder leads
- And TCM Liver follows
Best of all,
( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)