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How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Twelve


Hey, I'm back to adding the deliberated missout scientific name by me for the last blog on monarch's herb.   So the scientific name for Qiang Huo and Du Huo are as follow:

  • Notopterygium incisum
  • Radix Angelicae Biseryatae, respectively
This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions. (part 12)

Incidentally, getting to know the scientific name or the Latin name would lead you to know the family product and the related functions.  It would come along nicely when I discuss more herbs in the later blogs.

Minister's Herbs in pair

The scientific name for the 2 minister's herb of this Bai Du Tang are as follow:
  • Chuan Xiong - Ligusticum Striatum
  • Chai Hu - Bupleuri Radix

Association to the Specific Meridian Channel

Chuan Xiong is, by nature, a blood circulating herb and there's one new terminology to be associated with this.
Apply (Xing Xue Qu Feng) means circulating blood and expelling wind.
Chuan Xiong is associated with these 3 Meridian Channels:
  • Liver 
  • Gall Bladder  
  • Pericardium 
This means Chuan Xiong would travel to these 3 organs to circulate the blood in aid to remove any blood stasis if any.
It would fuel the warming effect caused by the monarch's herb relieving the cold flu infection.

Chai Hu 
is associated with these 4 Meridian Channels:
  • Liver
  • Gall Bladder
  • Pericardium
  • San Jiao
Apply (Xing San Jie Ji) means dispelling with a pungent smell and relieving muscle pain.
By nature, Chai Hu would:
  • reconcile between exterior and interior.  In another word, Chai Hu would station in the midpoint between the exterior and interior of the inter-organ backup link to reconcile the cold and the warm intermittently
  • soothe the Liver
  • raise Yang Qi.
Let's do a quick revision on the link between:
  • The Pericardium and the San Jiao Meridian Channels
  • The Liver and Gall Bladder Meridian Channels
for a better understanding.
It's this Pericardium which links up with the San Jiao both in terms of the inter-organ backup exterior-interiorly and also by way of Meridian path links up between the 2 organs.  The former is real and positioned close to the Heart and the latter is the imaginary largest Yang organ making use of the 11 Yin Yang organs to complete the physiological functions from the facial organs to the abdominal orifices at the Urethra end and the Anus. 

Due to the scalability of the fibrous layer being very small,
so when the pericardial fluid is abnormally increased, it is not possible for the heart to expand exteriorly and as a result, 
This would lead to symptoms like:
Chai Hu would enter the: 
  • Pericardium to relieve all the above symptoms and 
  • San Jiao as well in the 
  1. Upper
  2. Mid
  3. Lower stream, to combat the cold virus infection.
Since the TCM Gall Bladder backup the TCM Liver 


the proper secretion of the concentrated bile is closely associated with the Liver's secretion of diluted bile via the common hepatic and common bile duct into the duodenum.  In the case of Gall Bladder Stone..... 


the concentrated bile to be secreted, the diluted bile still flow out from the Liver to emulsify the fats in the duodenum to a lesser degree causing 

(3)obvious indigestion.

However, if the Gallstone is causing prolong blockage of the Gall bile excretion, the concentrated bilirubin would cause a higher concentration in the Gall Bladder creating 
  • acute jaundice and 
  • yellowing of the eye white which need immediate medical attention.
  • Anorexia
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhoea  

Specific Taste

Chuan Xiong possesses a Pungent fragrance and a bitter taste. 
Bitterness enters the heart.
It would enter the heart with this pungent flavour to disperse the cold virus.

On the other hand, Chai Hu possesses a bitter taste and is slightly cold.  It would reconcile with heat and cold caused by the cold virus infection.

Specific Property

Chuan Xiong and Chai Hu form a wonderful pair with:

  • the former warming up the cold virus infection (=warm) and 
  • the latter relieving the intermittent cold and hot symptoms invading the child. (=slightly cold)

In reviewing the focus on the decoction discrimination, the fine point to remember is:

  • Induce Perspiration
  • Resolve Ache
  • Dispersing effect caused in the Lung Qi
  • Relieving the asthmatic condition

So far, the selection for Chuan Xiong having the warming effect in fueling the Monarch's herb still can fulfil the desired perspiration induction. At the same time, Chuan Xiong can remove blood stasis by invigorating blood circulation.

The paired minister's herb - Chai Hu which can move to the midpoint, where hot and cold crisscross, to relieve this cold virus invasion

The real discrimination will be revealed when all herbs are explained and fully understood.

I'll move on to the 4th division officer's herb in the next blog and hope you have absorbed much in this easy layout.


Best of all,



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)


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