Hi there, l will continue from here where l ended in my last blog covering mostly on all aspects of the Neonate. So from the 28th days onward to the completion of 12 months of the first year is termed as Infancy.
During this period, the infant growth progress is exceptionally rapid, right to the end of the 1st year.
- The infant should weigh 3 times heavier than the neonate on birth.
- Height should be 1.5 times larger,
- Head circumference and chest circumference developed at the fastest speed;
- with Head circumference reaching about 46cm by the end of 1st year.
- Chest circumference is about the same the head measurement by the end of 1st year.
Health Care
Health care is prime:-
- to advocate breastfeeding,
- educating the proper nutrition
- timely increase in feeding quantity,
- the prevention of indigestion and
- infant rickety
A Smiling Baby
- Less likely to upset an infant's stomach
- Contains antibodies that help ward off health problem
- Protects again childhood lymphoma
- Decreased digestive issues
- Decreased allergic responses
- Decreased chances for obesity later in life
- Possible transmission of HIV
- Possible transmission of alcohol and other drugs(if the mother is drinking alcohol or on prescribed drugs)
- Mothers must be adequately nourished for milk to be nourishing
- Many physical demands of producing and expelling milk.
A Crying Baby
Infant's digestion ability is of prime importance, improper feeding can lead to digestive issues, like diarrhoea and vomiting.
Throughout my studies, l have come up with some pointers for you to look at but it's always the case, not all babies follow exactly on the milestones, some are earlier and others will catch up eventually.
Developmental milestones:
- 1 to 3 months --- Infant tends to eat and get back to sleep where they will grow rapidly. Some can reach the 4th-month milestone before the end of 3 months. Can lift head in the prone position, can recognize parent
- 4 to 5 months-----Infant starts to laugh in responses especially with mother and reaching out to grasp a thing. Start to roll over.
- 6 months --------Able to sit up, babbles a lot and anxious over a stranger
- 7 to 8 months-----Raise the foot and put the toes into the mouth to suck, can crawl.
- 9 months----------- Able to walk with assistance(cruising), can wave bye-bye and do pat-a-cake with anyone, some can call mama /papa.
- 10 to 11 months--Already has front incisors and throw you tantrum by grasping your arm to ease the teething problem. Able to use the index finger to pinpoint tiny marks when looking around. Can shake head left to right to say no and nod to say yes
Best regards,