Hey, I'm back to continue on how to analyse the therapeutic functions of Can Ha San.
Similarly, the selection and reason why they are the minister's herbs in the decoction would be shown below as follow:
Minister's herbs:-
- Fu Ling
- Xing Ren
- Sang Bai Pi
I'll not repeat the presentation of how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions(Fu Ling, Xing Ren and Sang Bai Pi in this blog). Please start with some revision from part 13 onwards so that you would realise that you have covered so much with me. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder.
Nevertheless, it is good to provide and keep the reasons briefly why they become the minister's herbs because of their individual properties and so on.
Xing Ren is suitably used for these purposes:
- Moisturise generated phlegm heat in the lungs causing large intestinal conduction disorders and constipation(laxative)
- Lubricate the Lung to ease and drop cough
- Dispersing wind
- Eliminating stagnation
Sang Bai Pi is suitably used for these purposes:- Disperse Lung's heat to subdue cough and therefore would dissolve phlegm
- Reduce oedema
- Hypotensive capabilities which is an important factor to remember, watch out for hypertension and hypotension patients.
- Disperse Lung's heat to subdue cough and therefore would dissolve phlegm
- Reduce oedema
- Hypotensive capabilities which is an important factor to remember, watch out for hypertension and hypotension patients.
Fu Ling mainly: - Invigorate the Spleen and remove wetness.
- Ease urinary hesitancy
- Reduce All types of oedema;
- Calm palpitation and insomnia.
In addition, Xing Ren would complement with Sang Bai Pi to disburse Lung's heat, relieving the asthmatic cough.
- Invigorate the Spleen and remove wetness.
- Ease urinary hesitancy
- Reduce All types of oedema;
- Calm palpitation and insomnia.
I'll leave you now to prepare the next interesting blog to be published next week.
Best of all,
( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)