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Growth Development and Physiological Characteristics

Hey, I am back to write the distinction between growth and development in this new blog. I will break the main topic of growth development and physiological characteristics into a few groups.

Growth and Development are 2 essential childhood physiological manifestations which are different from adults. Growth refers to a child physique build up and Development refers to the evolution of all physiological function.  The whole process of this never-ending growth evolution to perfection depicts this special characteristic of preadolescence.

Growth and Development

Growth Evolution

  • Physique transition
The regulatory overview of healthy child development is based on childhood physique growth.  This is also used as a mean to measure the state of health of a child in association with the municipal conditions, geographical and climatic environment, nutrition and prevailing diseases.

Given below are a physiological constant of the child physique builds up under normal conditions:


A Neonate normally weighs about 3kg and lose some weight during the 1st week, pegged at less than 10%.


There are 2 methods to measure the height of the child:

A new Neonate measure about 50cm in length and will continue to grow for 25 cm each year up to 2 years old.  This is the formula to use after 2 years old:

Upper Edge of the Symphysis Pubis

Over here I want to give an introduction to a reference point in the human body which I will be using in the later blogs in finding the various acupuncture points of the body for acute illness treatment.  This reference point is the Upper Edge of Symphysis Pubis as shown in the picture below.

The pointer on the upper edge of Symphysis Pubis

Pointing the position of the upper edge of Symphysis Pubis on the human body
The reference point at the upper edge of Symphysis Pubis

So, we are going to take 2 measurements:
  • The upper reading is taken from the top of the head to the upper edge of the symphysis pubis
  • The other lower reading from the upper edge of the synthesis pubis to the sole.
These 2 measurements will tell many growth-related facts, namely:
  1. The upper reading is the indicator of the growth rate of the spinal column.
  2. The lower reading is the indicator of the growth rate of the leg bones.
  • For the neonate, the upper reading is longer than the lower one, shifting the midpoint to the Tummy Button

  • 1 year old
  • The midpoint will shift down below the Tummy Button for the infant

  • 6 years old 
  • The midpoint continues to shift down to a point which is the midpoint between the Tummy Button and the upper edge of the symphysis pubis.

  • 12 years old
  • Midpoint shift to exactly at the upper edge of the symphysis pubis indicating both upper and lower reading is about the same.

How to measure it?

Using a soft measuring tape to start from the midpoint between 2 eyebrows which is the highest point, goes one round touching the posterior occipital tubercle is termed as the Head Circumference.
  • New neonate         34cm

  • 6months old          42cm

  • 12months old        46cm

  • 2years old              48cm

  • 5 years old             50cm

The possible medical condition is:
  • Brain Hypoplasia(if HC is too small)
  • Hydrocephalus(if HC is too big)

Chest Circumference

Again how are we going to measure it?

Using the soft measuring tape starting from the tip of either one shoulder blade goes one round touching the 2 nipples as the correct measurement.  Observe the breathing of the child and take the average reading in between the breathing.  Pretty good so far.
  • New neonate.             32cm

  • 12months.                   44cm

  • 24months.                   47cm

best of all, 


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