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How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Forty Four

Hey, I'm back to discuss with you the effect of the messenger's herb.  I'm feeling very excited and refreshing,  This time round we are analysing the kidneys' deficiency caused by a prolong cough.  

The Messenger's Herb
  • Gan Cao 

The threshold analysis on Gao Cao can be referred to in my earlier blog and so it wouldn't be explained here like (How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions).

As our present topic is what causes kidney deficiency?  TCM physicians had observed from as far as ancient time upto comtemporary present that the common causes of kidney deficiency are:

  • congenital insufficiency
  • excessive labor
  • chronic illness that damages the kidney
  • aging

Congenital Insufficiency

Congenital literally means present at birth and having insufficiency in the organ's function. The good example of such congenital  insufficiency is aortic insufficiency of which the heart valve or the aortic valve does not close tightly. This allows blood to flow from the aorta (the largest blood vessel) into the left ventricle (a chamber of the heart) commonly known as Aortic regurgitation.  These are the verifying signs of  possible congenital insufficiency:

  • Heart murmur that can be heard through a stethoscope
  • Very forceful beating of the heart
  • Bobbing of the head in time with the heartbeat
  • Hard pulses in the arms and legs
  • Low diastolic blood pressure
  • Signs of fluid in the lungs
Excessive  Labor

Prolonged labor or excessive labor is the inability of a woman to proceed with childbirth upon going into labor. Prolonged labor typically lasts over 20 hours for first time mothers, and over 14 hours for women that have already had children.  The kidneys help the body adjust to the extra blood volume, blood pressure changes and higher burden on the heart that pregnancy cause. If kidney function is lower than normal before a pregnancy, kidney damage may occur during one.
As a result, prolong labor would cause kidney deficiency.
Causes of prolonged labor include:
  • slow cervical dilations.
  • slow effacement.
  • a large baby.
  • a small birth canal or pelvis.
  • delivery of multiple babies.
  • emotional factors, such as worry, stress, and fear.

Chronic illness that damages the Kidney

  • High blood pressure  
  • Diabetes           
are examples of   the chronic illness  that damage kidneys.


Aging definitely would cause kidney's deficiency because of these taking places:
As one ages, 
  • the Amount of kidney tissue decreases and kidney function diminishes
  • number of filtering units (nephrons) decreases. Nephrons filter waste material from the blood.  As a result, blood vessels supplying the kidneys can become hardened causing blood stasis in the TCM perspective.

I would definitely have included the Kidney's Yang and Yin deficiency to be completed in the discussion here.

However, it is very lengthy and would cause confusion.  Therefore, it is more appropriate to put them in the next blog and publish by end of next week.

I'll be back soonest with the next new formula.

Best of all,



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)



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