Hey, I'm back to continue on treatment after allowing some time to digest the herbs in the previous blog. This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions. (part 5)
Nourish the overall Vitality(concerning the TCM Kidney)
When the child has some symptoms as follow:-
- Enuresis
- Asthma
- Five soft
- Five late
are some indications of kidney's deficiency.
- Zi Bu Gan Shen
- Jiang Xie Xu Huo
- Wen Bu Shen Yang
- Hua Qi Xing Shui
The treatment formulas are:-
This method applies to all kinds of blood stasis conditions such as when a child is coughing with lip bruising. The next step is to observe and check:-
- Whether is Petechiae or Ecchymosis found on the skin surface.
- Whether the pain is like a needle piercing
- Whether the pain is localised at a fixed point
- Yang Xue Huo Xue
- Huo Xue Qu Yu
- Xing Qi Zhi Tong
The Treatment formulas are:-
- Tao Hong Si Wu Tang
- Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
I'll be back soon to write on the last formulas and after which I will break down each formula to discriminated against each other.
Best of all
( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)