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How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Eighteen

 Hey, I'm back to put up the glossary on:

  • Yang Zhong Qiu Yin
  • Yin Zhong Qiu Yang 
so that references can be available if readers want to browse through my blogs from any search engine found on Google.

So without delay, I'll commence on today's topic - three types of 4th division officers' herbs, namely:
  • Jie Geng
  • Niu Bang Zi
  • Gan Cao
There is no necessity to repeat the previous explanation on Jie Geng.  All references to Jie Geng can be made on my previous blog #52 posted on 22 January 2022.
There is one special point to take note of for Gan Cao which is normally supposed to be a messenger's herb in most decoction.  Gan Cao is now acting as a 4th division officer's herb in Yin Qiao San.
Apply(Gan Ping Qing Re Jie Du) whenever Gan Cao is used as the 4th division officer's herb.  
As a 4th division officer's herb, Gan Cao or Licorice would aid: 
  • the monarch and ministers' herbs to vent through the hot wind flu invasion from the interior to the surface and out of the body in the TCM perspective.  
The 2 properties of:
  • sweetness(Gan)  
  • moderate(Ping) 
could be referred to in my blog#53 and also posed as a quick revision for all readers.
And so without delay, I'll discuss the importance of Niu Bang Zi with the threshold established so far.

This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions (part 18).

Association to a specific Meridian Channel

Niu Bang Zi is also better known as Arctium Lappa seeds commonly called the greater burdock seeds.
It is associated with the:
  • Lung
  • Stomach - Meridian Channels respectively
Therefore Niu Bang Zi has a direct link to the Lung and travels there to commence prior healing treatment because flu invasion will find its most easy entrance, that is the Lung. 
As a rule of thumb, it is very appropriate to apply:
  • (Xin Han Tou Zhen Li Yan) 
whenever Niu Bang Zi is used.
This means the combined application of: 
  • pungent
  • bitterness 
  • cold
to eradicate the hot virus in our topic, these 3 herbs would apply their natural primary function of :
  • (Niu Bang Zi) = utilise its pungent smell and coldness to vent through the hot wind flu invasion from the interior to the surface and out of the body in the TCM perspective.
  • (Gan Cao) = utilise its moderate property and sweetness to enter the Spleen and Stomach to remove the heat accumulated there to relieve the throat's soreness.
  • (Jie Geng) utilise its moderate property, pungent and bitterness to clear the airway of the Lung in the effect to relieve cough.

Specific Taste

This 4th division officer's herb possesses the following specific taste:
  • Niu Bang Zi= pungent and bitter
It's a little dry up to here.
Therefore let's do some revision on fundamentals:
  • The taste or pungent smell can disperse accumulated wind whether hot or cold.
  • Bitterness can excrete accumulated heat in the abdomen.  (Precaution must be exercised if the child is found to have Qi deficiency and often has loose stool.)

Specific Property

The Specific Property of:
  • Niu Bang Zi
is cold.

Coldness would be an added advantage to our main theme:
  • the Pungent and Cooling decoction in combating against hot wind virus invasion.


The quick difference between Yin Qiao San and Sang Ju Yin is:
  1. The former is a moderate decoction in power 
  2. The latter is a light decoction much more suitable for children.
So, this serves as a very good guideline for the practitioner to prescribe the formula for children infected with flu.

I'll be back soonest to discuss the next few herbs and very important, that's to leave you time to digest this blog.

Best of all,



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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