Hey, I'm back to discuss today's new subject in the discrimination between Ma Huang Tang and Jing Fang Bai Du Tang. I'm going to analyse Jing Jie and Fang Feng as a pair of monarchs' herbs in Jing Fang Bai Du Tang. This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions. (part 11)
Basic Pharmacology
Over here, it is necessary to know how the Formula had evolved through years of TCM applications by the ancient physicians to current practices.
Jing Fang Bai Du Tang with the word 'Tang' refers to the decoction and it is also possible to ground and grind the individual herb into a pill or fill it into capsule form.
Jing Jie and Fang Feng are then added into the stand-alone decoction - Bai Du Tang to form the above formula. So there are other Bai Du Tang, like Ren Shen Bai Du Tang.
Therefore, it's necessary to find out how and why Bai Du Tang is created for?
Let me reveal the answer now before analysing the individual herb in Bai Du Tang, hence proving the answer is correct. So Bai Du Tang is effective in treating flu infection due to Qi deficiency.
Let's do a quick revision on what's Qi deficiency.
Qi deficiency:
Qi deficiency is caused by the innate weak Yuan Qi that can lead to a series of pathological changes and symptoms. At least 5 out of 7 usual observations were detected as shown below:
- body weakness
- pale complexion
- shortness of breath
- weakness of limbs
- dizziness
- spontaneous sweating
- a low and weak voice
of a patient would be classified as Qi deficiency in the TCM perspective.
All these could lead to the decline of certain functional activities of the body and certainly would:
- reduce the resistance to combat disease and other debilitating phenomena.
The reason being Qi deficiency could affect human life activities which are fundamentally the movement of energy either rising or declining. And of course, Qi deficiency is a tell-tale sign of:
- congenital insufficiency
- malnutrition
- old age and weakness
- unhealed chronic illness
- after major surgery
- excessive fatigue.
Clinically, Qi deficiency can be found in all 5 Yin organs, namely:
- Lung Qi deficiency
- Heart Qi deficiency
- Spleen Qi deficiency
- Liver Qi deficiency
- Kidney Qi deficiency
From here, the flu infection due to Qi deficiency should have these observations during the consultation:
- Feeling cold
- Having a feverish temperature
- No perspiration****
- Headache
- Whole-body ache
- Cough with phlegm
- Stuffy nose
- Feel bloated
Our topic today is Jing Fang Bai Du Tang, so let's start with the analysis of Qiang Huo, Du Huo and then go on to the individual herb's analysis that formulates Bai Du Tang.
Over here, I'll list out the components of Bai Du Tang by pair because there is a complementary therapeutic effect between them in basic pharmacology as I'll explain the effect in one short paragraph below. (See attached diagrams)
The subject of Compatibility
Therefore, when using two or more herbs in one decoction, it is necessary to have a choice, which raises the issue of herbs compatibility. These are classified into 4 main types:
- Complementary
- Supplementary
- Oppositive
- Contradictory
As I've mentioned, the only herb compatibility issue is the complementary effect between the pair herbs found in Bai Du Tang which would become clearer as we move in-depth in the analysis. The rest of the other issues will be discussed as and when necessary.
The monarch's herb pair in Bai Du Tang is Qiang Huo and Du Huo.
Monarch's herb(pair):-
Both herbs can disperse cold flu infection with wetness accumulated. Moreover, they complement each other in strengthening the dispersion effect in all directions to relieve the cold flu. However, it was found that:
- Qiang Huo travel upwards to heal from the diaphragm and above
- Du Huo travels downwards to heal from the diaphragm and below.
Let's analyse them in detail with the thresholds established as:
Association to the Specific Meridian Channel
Both Qiang Huo and Du Huo are associated with them:
- Bladder Meridian Channel
- Kidneys Meridian Channel
Since the topic concerned was flu caused by (Feng Han meaning cold wind) and so the root cause is Cold virus had invaded via the channel would receive and commence its channel from here.
The 12 Meridian channels are all linked up in the human body to pass on the
from one to another around the clock.
Although the bladder was situated right at the lower abdomen, its specific Meridian Channel commence from the medial canthus of each eye and travels upwards along the forehead until reaching the top of the head where the popular acupuncture point called:
is located and then penetrated the head passing the brain and straight down along the spine to liaise with the bladder. The branch channel from the bladder would continue to move downwards, ending on the right upper edge of the small toenail. The Jing Qi would then penetrate to the bottom and pass on to the Kidney Meridian Channel which commences from here.
And that's not all, there are 3 other branches from the bladder which I'll discuss as and when necessary.
This would explain one of the reasons why the Kidney and Bladder are the best match exterior-interiorly.
I'll discuss these meridian channels in detail in my later blogs.
Specific Taste
Both herbs possess:
property with a slightly different taste;
- Qiang Huo - bitter
- Du Huo - slightly bitter
Together they perform similar functions like Ma Huang. Besides, the overflowing pungent smell and strong spicy taste would remove the wetness accumulated especially in the abdomen.
Specific Property
The specific property of both Qiang Huo and Du Huo is
Primarily, Qiang Huo and Du Huo have the perspiring and relieving properties***of raising the Yang Qi. The boiled decoction with these healing properties can warm the Lung causing induced perspiration to disperse the cold virus out from the body resembling the Ma Huang Tang.
The next blog would be the paired minister's herbs and their function to fuel the monarch's herbs.
Best of all
( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)