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This Is How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Fifty Seven

Hey,  I'm back to commence on the analysis of the  Yin Chen Hao Tang and reiterate that Zhi Zi would not be analysed in this blog.  Please refer to my blog: part 47 published in February 2023 as a quick revision for Zhi Zi.

Without delay, the obvious Monarch's herb is:

Monarch Herb

Yin Chen Hao

This is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part 57.  The reasons for selection of Yin Chen Hao as the monarch's herb is:

  • Yin Chen Hao is an effective remedy for clearing accumulated heat combined with wetness in the TCM perspective and would be used especially in treating Yang Huang juandice as having this specific property
  • Combined heat and wetness would also cause soft smelly 'diarrhoea-like' stool and clearing this heated wetness means stool would take solid shape again in the TCM perspective 

Let's start with the threshold established so far:

Association to a Specific Meridian Channel

Yin Chen Hao is better known as Artemisia capillaris and belongs to the family of Asteraceae and only the young shoot is used.

Yin Chen Hao is associated with the: 
  • Spleen 
  • Stomach 
  • Liver 
  • Gall Bladder - meridian channels respectively

Specific Taste

Yin Chen Hao possesses a bitter taste.  

Specific Properties

Next, I'll touch on the specific property of 
  • Yin Chen Hao
which is moderate cold.

As a rule of thumb, it is very appropriate to apply:
  • (Ku Han Qing Li Shi Re Tui Huang Dan) 
whenever Yin Chen Hao is used.

I'll leave you now so that you can link up this blog with the previous ones to digest it effectively.

Best of all, 



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)


This Is How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Fifty Six

Hey,  I'm back to continue on the property of the Bai Tou Weng Tang as promised and follow by the analysis of Yin Chen Hao Tang.   
Bai Tou Weng Tang is applied when these observations are found:
  • A) Dysentery and always accompanied with:
  • B) Stomachache
  • C) Tenesmus
  • D) Burning sensation at the anus
  • E) Stool's colour should be more red(bloody) than white

On the contrary, if  the stool is More white than red(blood), then Shao Yao Tang would be used as a better remedy more appropriately than Bai Tou Weng Tang.  I'll discuss this new formula later as and when necessary.  So, it is necessary to note this difference for the time being.

Now, I'll move on to the next selected applicable formula still within the perimeter of heat combined with the wetness to turn into what TCM termed as Fire which will cause intermittent fever and the next formula is Yin Chen Hao Tang.

Yin Chen Hao Tang

By and large, Yin Chen Hao Tang is applied and frequently used in treating Juandice as a result of accumulated heat combined with wetness in the TCM perspective.

It comprises of the following herbs:

  • Yīn Chén Hao
  • Shān Zhī Zi 
  • Da Huang

Over here, a little explanation on the discrimination between Yin Huang and Yang Huang as well as Zou Huang is necessary.

Yin Huang

It refers to the type of jaundice caused by cold and wetness.  This is due to:

  • the deficiency of spleen yang
  • accumulation of cold and wetness
  • bile fluid spilling out from the gall bladder to smear the skin in some irregular ways
  • formed by the transformation of yang jaundice over time 

in the TCM perspective. 

Yang Huang

On the contrary, it is caused by wetness combined with heat accumulated, and the resultant heat produces yellowness in the TCM perspective. Hence the liver and gallbladder are steamed by this accumulated heat.  As a result, the gallbladder releases the heated bile, spreading and surfaced out of the skin as well as pushing downwards into the bladder.  Therefore yellowness is seen throughout the body and urine is dark yellowish as observed.  

These Yang Huang symptoms are:

  • fever and polydipsia 
  • body and eyes bright yellow like orange 
  • urine dark like strong tea  
  • loss of appetite or nausea and vomiting
  • poor stool
  • abdominal distension and hypochondriac pain
  • red tongue
  • yellow greasy carbuncle
  • stringy and rapid pulse

Zou Huang

It is a critical pathological condition caused by Carbuncle. When the top of these sores suddenly sink in and turn black without pus, and the swelling con tinue to spread rapidly, indicating the situation has worsen to the next stage phenomenalised by the seven malignancies in the TCM perspective.  These 7 malignancies are:  
  • 1) cardinal anxiety with cough; stomachache with polydipsia; severe diarrhoea and frequent urination
  • 2) acute,painful,smelly bloody stool and severe swollen area
  • 3) breathlessness and drowsiness
  • 4) blur vision with diminished Iris, reddish-green Sclera with upward shifted Pupil
  • 5) stiff neck with painful shoulder, arms and limbs
  • 6) ageusia and dysphagia with vomiting 
  • 7) hoarse voice with reddish-green lip and nose colour couple with edema found on arms and limbs

I'll leave you now and will show you How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions on the formula above so that this blog would not be too long and windy.  Any way you would need time to digest this blog.

Best of all,



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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