Hey, I'm back to continue on treatment after giving some time for digestion of the herbs under 'Relief Shock and Resuscitation.' This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions. (part 4)
When the child is infected with the wind virus which would penetrate straight into the lung in the TCM perspective. The result would be water and wetness accumulated in the abdomen causing fluid to unbalance in the long run. As a result, urine quantity becomes lesser gradually and water retention or swelling in the body is the observed phenomenon.
Diuresis to Reduce Swelling
- Li Shui Shen Shi
- Wen Yang Hua Qi
- Li Shui Xiao Zhong
- Yi Qi Jian Pi
Remember that the TCM fundamentals of the Lung, Spleen and Kidney are:-
- The Lung regulates the water metabolism in the body to keep the body with fluid and sweat in equilibrium.
- TCM Spleen also governs the fluid flow in the body in correlation with these organs in the upper and lower stream to metabolise and prevent water retention in the tissue.
- The TCM Kidney is by nature a 'water' organ in that sense. It metabolises and regulates the water reabsorption into the kidney and discharge turbid urine to the bladder. Therefore it governs water.
Therefore, when the Lung failed to regulate water metabolism coupled with weaken Spleen would cause water retention in the child.
Treatment formulas are:
- Wu Ling San
- Wu Pi Yin
If for one reason or other, the condition was not treated in time, both Lung and Spleen had turned into severe deficiency to further affect the kidneys in the TCM perspective better known as Yin Shui.
Treatment formulas are:
- Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
- Shi Pi Yi
Invigorate the Spleen and Stomach
- Yi Qi Bu Zhong
- Jian Pi Yang Wei
- Yi Qi Jian Pi
- Shen Shi Zhi Xie
This method applies to cases of children from age 3 to 12 years old with splenic dysfunction causing vomiting, diarrhoea and anorexia. This condition worsens especially when the child is picky in taking regulated meals coupled with the inability to realise hungry or full.
The treatment formulas are:-
- Si Jun Zi Tang
- Shen Ling Bai Shu San
There are still further treatment methods to be elaborated on in my next blog which means there are many formulas to be discussed later. And of course, I'll make it interesting and easier to remember for you. I'll end here and will come back very soon to continue on the next treatment methods.
Best of all
( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)