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How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Seven


Hey, I'm back to continue on treatment to break up the various formulas so that the learning would leap into the next stage where it is no longer superficial.  This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions. (part 7)

There are some preparations to be done before analysing the individual herb of each formula.

Three Important Medicinal Functions 

I have to set up this foundation before penetrating the in-depth study of Chinese Medicine as a threshold to herb selection in relationship to all treatments in my previous blogs.  Although it may seem to be tedious and complicated, everything would be simplified by me to make digestion easy.  Remember our discussion on Spleen and Stomach fundamentals, easy digestion is prime and interestingly arranged by me.  Every herb has these 3 specific functions:

  • Association to a specific Meridian Channel
  • Specific Taste
  • Specific Properties

As I had promised you break up each formula in the earlier blog to discriminate the reason why we had chosen this formula over others.  Let's go back to the first formula under the heading:

Relief Wind and Resolve the Ache

Flu caused by Feng Han 
  • Ma Huang Tang     

Just to keep the memory afresh, the formula consisted of:

  • Ma Huang,
  • Gui Zhi
  • Xing Ren
  • Zhi Gan Cao
Ma Huang is also better known as Ephedra Sinica.  Let's discuss these 3 medicinal functions of Ma Huang from the TCM perspective.

Association to a specific Meridian Channel

Ma Huang is associated with the:
  • Lung 
  • Bladder - Meridian Channels respectively.   
This Channel's Association is the explanation of the effect of, in this case, Ma Huang in the specific location, here, is the Lung and Bladder.  In another word, this would be the effect of Ma Huang travelling to the Lung and Bladder to eradicate the virus invasion.

Since the topic concerned was flu caused by (Feng Han meaning cold wind) and so the root cause is Cold virus had invaded via the easier channel, the Lung in the TCM perspective.
Primarily, Ma Huang has the: 
  • perspiring and relieving properties*** 
inclusive of raising the Yang Qi.  The boiled decoction comprising of the above Ma Huang's healing properties which can warm the Lung causing induced perspiration to disperse the cold virus out from the body. 
Therefore Ma Huang is the best herb selection for relieving the asthmatic flu caused by a cold virus in this formula.
Emphasizing the point again, the knowledge of the Association to a Specific Meridian Channel is very important in the herb selection for treatment.

Specific Taste

I move on to the specific taste of Ma Huang.  Taste in its broad sense means the flavour. There are five "flavours" as stipulated in the Emperor's Interior Sutra; namely sour, sweet, bitter, pungent or spicy, and salty.  There is a definite correlation between the five flavours and the five Yin organs.
I quote from the Emperor's Interior Sutra***:
  • "Sour enters the Liver, 
  • Sweet enters the Spleen,
  • Pungent or Spicy enters the Lung, 
  • Bitter enters the Heart, 
  • Salty enters the Kidney"  Unquote
Ma Huang has a pungent and spicy taste inclined to a little bitterness.
This pungent or spicy taste is associated with gold in the 5 elements YinYang theory.  However, this pungent flavour is the Gold element derived from the Yang possessing the effect of rising and dispersing.  And the most unforgettable experience of the pungent smell would be its distinctive taste.

Next, the effect of the pungent and spicy taste is to: 
  • soothe the Qi
  • disperse in the purpose of weakening the virus invasion
  • invigorate blood 
  • remove blood stasis 
Altogether the total effect would promote the circulation of Qi and Blood, in other words, it regulates the body's metabolism. 
As dictated from the Emperor's Interior Sutra, the pungent and spicy taste of Ma Huang enters the lung and can soothe the Lung's Qi.  The dispersing effect would weaken the cold virus invasion.
This Specific Taste would complement each other with the association of the Meridian Channel in the determination of the best herb selection.

Specific Properties

Next, I'll touch on the specific property of Ma Huang which is warm.  As I said, digestion is prime and must be easy to comprehend.  This warming effect is capable of:
  •  inducing perspiration  
  •  dispelling cold
  •  warming lung directly
  •  relieving asthma
  •  to reduce swelling.
Therefore Ma Huang can treat illnesses like:
  •     cold
  •     chest tightness
  •     cough
  •     wind swelling 
  •     bronchial asthma
In addition to the three important medicinal functions above, there are another 4 hurdles to cross, follow by the various TCM terminologies that I had introduced in the previous blogs.
These 4 hurdles are namely;
  • Monarch
  • Minister
  • Division 4 officer
  • Messenger

These terms are used to indicate the importance and commands expected in the monarchy kingdom.  They are now used in the same manner in terms of the individual herbs selected to form the formula.

Monarch's herb

For example, Ma Huang in our formula, Ma Huang Tang, is the monarch herb meaning it has the power to cure the illness but still needs the other 3 herbs together to complete the eradication of the virus.  However, if I would remove Ma Huang from the formula, the whole decoction would not be able to relieve wind and resolve ache through induced perspiration.  Therefore, the monarch herb plays a major role in the treatment and is indispensable in the whole decoction.

Minister's Herb

Minister's herb primarily assists the monarch's herb to achieve the therapeutic role and increase the healing effect.

Division 4 Officer

The division 4 Officer's herb coordinates with the monarch and minister herbs to enhance the therapeutic effect of the decoction as well as directly treat minor complications.   It would also slow down the strong effect of monarch and minister herbs.  


The messenger's herb is, as the word messenger depict, the marshal directing the various medicinal power of individual herb to the infected organs to start the healing process.  
Another function is to reconcile the effects of various drugs to a moderate digestive level.

Last and not least, the decision to think and select Ma Huang Tang as the formula suitable to relieve the wind and resolve the body ache, must ensure the following observations have been revealed during the consultation:
  • Feeling cold
  • Having a feverish temperature
  • No perspiration
  • Headache
  • Whole-body ache
  • Asthmatic 
  • Tongue coating thin and white
  • Pulse palpation is float and tight 
It seems that only Ma Huang in the above decoction outshines the rest possessing the ability to induce perspiration and relieve the ache becomes the determining factor.  Just jot down the (tight) pulse palpation in which I will discuss them after all these formulas breakup being done.  The tongue coating and the complaint from the patient having a feverish temperature yet feeling cold would complete and decide the correct decoction for this condition is MA HUANG TANG.

I would end this blog on Ma Huang here and start with GUI ZHI in the coming blog so that you have more time to digest all the above.

Best of all



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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