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How to link the TCM Fundamentals of the 5th Yin Organ - The Kidney with the Integumentary System

Hey, I'm back to show you How to link the TCM Fundamentals of the 5th Yin Organ - The Kidney with the Integumentary System.  A special introduction to the TCM Kidney is necessary so that comprehension and interpretation would be so much easier.   How much that is inherited from the parents is referred to as the body constitution.   It's related and then has to roll back to the ovulation follow by the conception which is the beginning of life.  At this stage, the TCM Kidney's Essence and Qi start to be formed in line with the inherited constitution giving rise to 2 states:

Therefore, if the inherited constitution is in abundance the conception will grow into a stronger structure depicting a longer lifespan.  Likewise, if the constitution is in deficient, the conception will grow into a weaker structure having a shorter lifespan or the fetus may even die in the womb.  This inherited constitution is being passed on in the sealed physical kidney where I have to introduce and link another important TCM point to the topic called 

The physical kidneys are located:

  • At the rear wall in the abdominal cavity just behind the peritoneum on either side of the vertebral column.  
  • They extend from the T12 to L3 with the right kidney situated slightly lower because of the downward pressure from the liver due to the expanding movement from the diaphragm.  

The diagram to show the position of the kidneys

There is an imaginary midpoint between these 2 kidneys as mentioned above-named Fire of Ming Men or the Gate of Vitality.  It is all biology and nothing else because this Gate of Vitality is in charge of reproduction and sexual activities.  I'll discuss this as and when necessary.  

However, I have to stress this phrase:-

(The WAIST, this big portion HOUSES the 2 KIDNEYS) before I can elaborate on the breakdown of the TCM Fundamentals to be given below.  The TCM Kidney comprises of urological and reproductive organs including the 2 Kidneys themselves covering all aspects of

  1. Reproduction 
  2. Endocrine 
  3. Immunity 
  4. Urology
  5. Respiratory 
  6. Neurology 
  7. Haematology and 
  8. Movement as one complete systematic philosophy.


5th Yin OrganThe Kidney

Grouping to 5 Elements:  Water

It is most appropriate to have a little explanation now which can make this classification very clear especially in clinical studies.  By and large, if you want to understand the 5 Elements theory, it's very easy.  The whole issue stresses on 3 sequences:

  1. Generating, Producing, Stimulating or Facilitating 
  2. Dominating, Overcoming or Influencing the one after next along the producing sequence.
  3. Abuse, Insult, Offend or Against(can be in any direction)
As I had mentioned and to quote the Emperor's Interior Sutra:
  • The North generates Cold(frosty)
  • Cold(frosty) generates Water 
  • Water generates Salty,  and 
  • Salty generates the Kidney, and so on,)  unquote.  
Since I'm writing on the Yin organ,(the Kidney) it makes sense to start from the Water representing the Kidney in the generating sequence.  You can read from the diagram attached, Water generates Wood, Wood generates Fire, and so on.  Therefore these 3 types of the sequence will only serve as a guide in our clinical studies because not every aspect of the 5 elements theory is applicable or practicable in reality.
I'll reveal to you the reasons as and when the qualification arises in my clinical studies with you.

The 5 elements theory diagram
The diagram to show the 5 elements in TCM

Physiological Functions:
1) The TCM Kidney stores the Essence.  Therefore the Essence is defined as the very vital substance of the human body. It is associated with human growth development and reproduction cycle.  We can find the Essence come into the limelight in the area especially when the kidney is in deficient initially.  So this will also affect the Kidney in a way that Qi does not consolidate in that sense because the TCM Kidney is unable to receive Qi from the Lung aggravating the resulting Yin Yang deficiency in the kidneys.  As a result, it will stretch far enough affecting the other Yin organs as well as the Yang organs because they are correlated as one systematic body.
So the key point is to avoid Essence deficiency in the first place.
2) The TCM Kidney is by nature a 'water' organ in that sense.  It metabolises and regulates the water reabsorption into the kidney and discharge turbid urine to the bladder. Therefore it governs water.
3)  The TCM Kidney or best described as with its Essence, is in charge of bone formation and growth.  The Essence produces marrow which resides in the bone cavity found especially in the hip and thigh bones. These marrows have the potential to become specialised cells, such as muscle cells, blood cells and brain cells.

Upper Orifice: The Ear

The TCM Kidney has its upper orifice at the Ear.  The clear and sharp auditory of the Ear is dependent on the kidney's Essence and Qi. This would only come about provided that these 2 vital components are in surplus.  The Emperor's Interior Sutra asserted that:-

Therefore, it is very obvious why older folks couldn't hear so clearly because Essence and Qi are no longer at their peak in the body.


Lower Orifice: (The Urinary and Reproductive Tract) and Anus.

The Kidney has its lower Orifice at:

  1. The Urinary and the Reproductive Tract
  2. Anus
Although the storage and discharge of urine are handled by the bladder, however, the proper function of the bladder is still dependent on the favourable gasification of the Kidney's Qi.  As a result, Qi deficiency-related illness is very commonly found among our older folks in the community, such as: 
The Anus is the opening at the far end of the digestive tract. It controls the release of the waste material when it is ready.  Although it is part of the digestive system, it still relies on the favourable gasification of the Kidney's Qi to perfect its function.  I will use the deficiency in Yin and Yang of the Kidney's Qi to illustrate this point.  
  1. When the kidney's Yin is in deficient, the most likely consequences for the digestive system will be constipation.
  2. unlike Yang when is deficient, the reverse takes place, severe Diarrhoea is often seen.  
  3. I have even treated rectal prolapse from the Anus due to prolonged diarrhoea as a result of the Kidney's Qi unable to consolidate coupled with Yang Deficiency.

Bodily Association The Bone

The TCM Kidney is in charge of the bone growth which is dependent on the intensity of its Essence.   Once again the Essence produces marrow and resides in the bone cavity.  So I'll leave this bone structure as it is here and elaborate on it as and when necessary. 

State of Condition:  manifest in the Hair

I'm going to review this Condition of the Kidney as manifested in the Hair from a different perspective.  The Hair over here in the TCM perspective refers to the hair on the head and not the bodily hair.  It is still part of the Integumentary System. So this hair on the head is also termed the {Blood Surplus} in TCM perspective.   In another word, it means blood must be in abundant so much so that there must be a surplus.  This abundant blood quantity will bond with the Essence to create a condition so exuberant to feed the hair follicles through the capillary-vein connection at the papilla region.  The result will be a crop of healthy, glamorous, shiny and strong hair showing the state of good health of a person right from the top hair to the toes nails.

So far ok?

Emotional Classification:  Fear

The Emotional Classification for the kidney is Fear. Fear is a natural, powerful and primitive human emotion. It alerts us to defend in the presence of danger, whether that of physical or psychological.  It is a good time to roll back to the Heart which is a 'Fire' organ in that sense, as and when necessary.  The other emotion when escalated would affect the heart is 'Afraid'.   Over here, I'll explain the main difference between Fear and Afraid.  

  • The former has an expectation or preemptive knowledge of the forthcoming event whereas the latter has no expectations at all.

So when the Heart has a sudden setback causing Qi stagnation in the upstream(Shang jiao) would also cause Qi in the lower stream (Xia jiao)to inflate and feel bloated.  The inflated effect would cause Qi to disperse which turns into the adverse condition for the TCM kidney to consolidate Qi to bond with Essence.  Again the most likely consequence would be Incontinence occurred especially among the elderly.

Liquidity State:  The clear thick Saliva

The TCM Kidney stores Essence and its gasification will turn it into the clear thick Saliva which is secreted by the saliva glands.  So if the condition of overproducing in saliva prevails, then it would deplete the storage of Essence and Qi resulting in weakening its function in that sense.  Since this clear thick saliva is the product of the TCM Kidney, the correct handling procedure is to swallow the thick saliva but not to spit out. This good practice is recommended as it would lubricate and tonify the organs along its passage.

Correlation Match:  Bladder

The bladder is the correlated match for the TCM Kidney.  There are many interesting topics to be discussed when I write on it in the later blog. 


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

Best regards, 



How to link the TCM Fundamentals of the 4th Yin Organ - The Liver with The Integumentary System

Hey, I'm back to show you How to link the TCM Fundamentals of the 4th Yin Organ - The Liver with The Integumentary System.  Nevertheless, do you remember (I did mention) about the Yin mortal soul that resides in the Lung and it's then divided into 7 parts, called     

  • Happiness
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Fear
  • Love
  • Carnage and
  • Evil

Today, we are having a permanent resident in the Liver which is the smaller Yang immortal soul, noted as:

I'll discuss this when necessary.

OVER HERE, I MUST EMPHASIZE ONE VERY IMPORTANT WORD --(HEPAR) -- A LATIN WORD MEANING LIVER This word will make you understand more about the Liver as I explain further in my blog.


The original pronunciation of the Yang immortal soul is termed as (Hun) in the TCM perspective.  These 2 words are read as (HUN PO) meaning the whole Soul.

4th Yin Organ - Liver

Permanent Resident:  Yang Immortal Soul (HUN)

Master of:  Ascending Movement (that of a tree)

Clan: Ligament

Grouping to 5 Elements:  Wood

Physiological Functions:  Post later

Orifice:  The Eye

Bodily Association:  Ligament

State of Conditions:  Manifest on the Nail

Emotion Classification:  Anger

Liquidity State:  in the form of Tears

Correlation Match:  Gall Bladder

My Nails on close-up observation 

Permanent Resident:  Yang Immortal Soul (HUN)

Just like the Lung, The Yang Immortal Soul (HUN) resides in the Liver and I'll discuss the Feeling aspect of this (HUN) in clinical studies on Hallucination, Paranoia, Depression and Anxiety resulting from Hypertension and Tense Muscles.

Master of:  Ascending Movement (that of the tree)

The Liver is noted and classified as a bold and firm viscera among the 5 Yin Organs.  In other words, it's very aggressive and rebellious to being pressurised, on the contrary, the Liver loves to reach out and spread out its 'Qi' like a tree.  It's Yin by nature but spread out like a Yang function. So to achieve a good Liver functioning in the body, the Yin Yang Elements must be in equilibrium.

Clan:  Ligament

This is a very interesting point to discuss in some depth.  Let's go back to the Latin word Hepar and here are some words to share:

Is it simple enough, I am sure you did nod head to agree so far.

So, the Liver is covered by Ligament biologically and somewhat similar to TCM  Fundamentals in this perspective.  Therefore Clan of the Liver is Ligament since it was used to carry blood as vessel or vein from the placenta to the fetus.  Off course it's not the Tendon which is the controversial issue between the two.  By the way, there is one other word that causes confusion between Tendon and Ligament called sinews.  Please erase the word from your mind as it is not a medical term to be used both in the Western Medical and TCM Fundamentals.

Grouping to 5 Elements:  Wood

The Liver belongs to the Wood element.   Let's leave it as of now and I'll discuss it as when necessary

Physiological Functions:

The TCM Liver performs 2 basic functions:

The TCM Liver regulates the flow of the Qi, Blood and Fluid to optimise the physiological function of the whole body so that:

Orifice:  The Eye
The Liver has its opening at The Eye.  The Eye has a very close relationship with the Liver both biologically as well as in TCM Fundamentals.

TCM Fundamentals:
  •  As mentioned earlier, the blood supply must be adequate to nourish the Eye so that conditions like 
  1. Floater
  2. Dry eye
  3. Yellow Eye (Jaundice Due to bilirubin)
  4. Blurred vision can be avoided

Bodily Association:  The Ligament
The Liver, as mentioned is greatly associated with Ligament.
It is through here the Liver is connected to the vital organs and joints holding them in place.

State of Conditions:  Manifest in the Nail.
The Nail is part of the Integumentary System and is made of the harden keratin similar to the hair.  So the condition of the Liver is shown using the Nail appearance.  It's also a telltale sign on how good is the Liver able to function on the blood flow nourishing the Growth of the Nail.
The usual type of nail conditions are:

Emotion Classification:  Anger
Over here, I just want to illustrate some linkage of all that I had discussed so far, enabling you to realise why TCM Fundamentals is so important. 
The innate emotional foundation is originated within the Liver because it houses the (HUN) Soul called the Feeling.  It is this- (Feeling) that generate the Anger and thus making the Liver in charge of Anger in that sense.  The underlying condition is there must be an abundant supply of blood to control the flow supply to contain this Anger from erupting.  The same applies to the 5 Elements Theory briefly in such a way Wood supplement Fire so that Liver Blood is adequate to assist the Heart to feed the Shen reaching the equilibrium linkage between the Heart and Liver.  Therefore the equilibrium is achieved and the Anger is sustained and the Liver can function to its best.
Simple enough.

Liquidity State:  in form of Tears
The Liver has changed into Tears in its liquidity state.  Under normal circumstances, the secretion of the tear by the lacrimal glands located above each eyeball continuously supply tear fluid that's wiped across the eye surface each time you blink your eyes.  So it only lubricates and never overflows.  (INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM) 
As can be seen in deficiency of the Liver Blood, tears secretion will be greatly reduced resulting in

Correlation Match:  Gall Bladder
The Liver produces bile which is stored in the Gall Bladder for secreting into the small intestine to break down fat from food for easy absorption into the bloodstream.
Then Liver store blood due to its biological nature.


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

Best of all,



How to Link The TCM Fundamentals of the 3rd Yin Organ - The Spleen with The Integumentary System

I'm back to touch a little bit on digestion before starting the subject above.  Digestion starts right from the mouth where Saliva lubricates and dissolve some the crushed food by the action of the teeth.  Saliva is secreted from the Salivary glands as part of the exocrine glands of the Integumentary System.  So I can go on to the TCM Fundamentals without saying much, there is no permanent resident in the TCM Spleen.  However, there is still room for the TCM Spleen to accommodate the thinking power.  

This is How to Link The TCM Fundamentals of the 3rd Yin Organ - The  Spleen with The Integumentary System in its liquid state.


3rd Yin Organ - The Spleen 

Master of:  Transportation of Nutrients 

Once the baby left the mother's body, the TCM Spleen acquired the responsibility to transport and transform the biochemistry produce of Qi and nutrients to all parts of the body.

Grouping to 5 Elements:  Earth

TCM Spleen is grouped as Earth in the 5 Elements Theory more like in the centre between Metal with Fire and Wood with Water.   I have to write 2 blogs just to explain these 5 elements which are necessary later on.

Physiological Function:

1) The TCM Spleen is situated at:
2) The TCM Spleen transport these good nutrients from the digested food and 
3) Transform it into the blood to the brain for thinking activities to be carried out in the effect of 'rising' the Clear(good nutrients) in that sense.  It is due to this ability to raise and thus prevents organs in the lower abdomen from prolapsing.  I will discuss cervical prolapse in a later blog.
4) The TCM Spleen is to govern and hold the blood within its flow path and is related to the deficiency in The TCM Spleen Qi in area of massive menstrual bleeding or endless menstrual seeping for a period long enough to see a doctor or TCM practitioner, for example.  I will discuss more on the topic of gynaecology.
5) TCM Spleen also governs the fluid flow in the body in correlations with these organs to metabolise and prevent water retention in the tissue:
  • Upstream - Lung and Big Intestine-metabolise and reabsorb
  • Midstream - Spleen and Stomach-raise and produce
  • Downstream - Kidney and Bladder excrete turbid urine
I will further explain all these in the next few blogs.

Orifice:  The Mouth

Digestion starts right at the mouth where the secretion of saliva to dissolve the nutrients to be sent down to the digestion tract for the further break up into clear nutrients or turbidity.  The Spleen Meridian path in acupuncture dictates its flows to permeate the whole tongue as well as to disperse in the cavity under the tongue.  Am I going too fast? It's from here, the tongue sends the signal to the central nervous system to tell you whether is the food delicious or not? (taste discrimination)

Bodily Association:  The Muscle

This should be easy to understand as the TCM spleen raise the clear (good Nutrients) to nourish all parts of the body.  The physiological growth of the muscle is greatly influenced by the feeding of these clear nutrients from the spleen.  I will discuss the muscle atrophy about libido in clinical studies later on.  

State of Condition:  Manifest in the Lips

Generally, in TCM Context, the condition of the Spleen is observed on the Lips as follows:

Emotional Classification:  Thoughts

The TCM Spleen is in charge of thoughts because of its TCM nature to uplift the clear nutrient to reach all parts of the body so that the thoughts and thinking power is clear and unblock.  Imagine if the brain can get all the necessary good nutrients, neurons would be better off as well as the thoughts would be unblocked further and clear in that perception.  Likewise, stress or worry can cause a deficiency in the TCM Spleen over thoughts.  Again, I'll discuss more in my later blogs on this topic.

Liquidity State:  The Saliva

The TCM Spleen has become the Saliva in the Liquidity State with 

Functions to: 

Correlation Match:  Stomach

The Stomach digest and produce clear nutrients for the TCM Spleen to raise them to all parts of the body.  I will discuss more in my blogs later on.


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

Best of all, 



How to link the TCM Fundalmentals of the 2nd Yin Organ - The Lung with The Integumentary System

Hey, I'm going to show you How to link the TCM Fundaments of the 2nd Yin Organ -  The Lung with The Integumentary System.  Incidentally, nothing is difficult in my experience if you would follow closely.  So only the Yin energy has to reside in the Lung, in this case, is the 'Soul' in the TCM context.  Therefore the spirit (Shen) and Yin Yang Soul are 2 different substances in TCM Fundamentals. I'm not prophesying Taoism or Christianity, it is breaking the word Soul into 2 portions, forming the smaller immortal and larger mortal soul.  The classification for the former is Yang and the latter is Yin.  Are you still with me, I'm not going further as the rest of it is interesting which will be discussed when necessary. 

The original pronunciation of Yin mortal soul is termed as (PO) in the TCM perspective.  

2nd Yin Organ - Lung

Permanent Resident: Yin Mortal Soul(PO)

Master of:  Qi

Grouping to 5 Elements:  Metal

Physiological Function:  

  • The Lung, the Master of Qi, is in charge of the breathing process mechanism.
  • Exhale the bad components of the breathe mainly carbon dioxide and inhale good oxygen to enrich nourishment from other organs downwards to reach all parts of the body.
  • Over here the Lung is doing something quite opposite to that of the TCM spleen.  It regulates the water metabolism in the body to keep the body with fluid and sweat in equilibrium.
  • The Lung act as the centre crisscrossed by every pulse flows.  Therefore the Lung actually, assist the Heart to regulate the ebb and flow of Qi, which commands the flow of blood and fluid throughout the body.

Orifice:  The Nose

Bodily Association:  The Skin

State of Conditions: Manifests in the Hair

Emotion Classification:  Worry (Anxiety)

Liquidity State:  Nasal Mucus

Correlation Match:  Big Intestine

Permanent Resident: Yin Mortal Soul(PO)
Just for the beginning stage here, the Yin Mortal Soul or 'PO' comprising the Happiness, Anger, Sadness, Fear, Love, Evil and Carnage living among all materialism resides in the Lung.
So it is very interesting when we come to discuss this aspect of the Yin Mortal Soul during Pathological section.

Master of:  Qi
In the context of the translation of all TCM terminology into English, Qi is the only one that we will maintain as there is none better word to use for the explanation of this vital component in TCM Fundamentals.  Qi is also the commander of Blood in the TCM context and turns blood will produce Qi.
So Qi is also the combination of nature basic essential energy resulting from the metabolism of the food digestion and the gasification with the innate Qi to form the energy that characterises the continuous growth and movement of the body.
The Lung, is the Master of Qi, will perform all the Physiological Functions described as above(please roll-up).

Grouping to 5 ElementsMetal
The metallic substance in the 5 Elements is depicted as having the characteristics that can be shaped into a tool to 'chop' into the wood much like consuming the other element.
I'll discuss this in my blogs later on.

Orifice:  The Nose
The Lung has its Gateway at the Nose.  Then the main functions of the biological nose are:
Off course, it's also the opening where seasonal viruses can enter the body.

Bodily Association:  The Skin
Here is where the Lung has a direct association with the Integumental System.  Again the Integumental System consists of the Skin, Hair, Nails and Exocrine Glands.  The Skin acts as the most superficial layer of protection for the body and also to hold everything within the SKIN. The Lung uses this association
States of Conditions:  Manifests in the Hair
Have you ever see the hair grey at an early age?
That is a telltale sign of the Lung's Condition.  So the condition of the Lung will be determined by how well can the Lung facilitate breathing with the Heart.
The usual type of Hair being observed are:  
All these are causes telling you how nutrition is being fed to the hair follicles and the amount of sebum to be secreted by the sebaceous gland to lubricate the hair keratin and the skin from the dermis layer. (Diagram) 

Emotion Classification:  Worry(Anxiety)

The Emotion Classification for the Lung is Worry or Anxiety.  Worry or Anxiety usually comes with someone who feels unhappy or even frightened because of some problems or unpleasant things that might happen.
I will discuss further in my blog on clinical studies.

Liquidity State:  Nasal Mucus
The Lung has become Nasal Mucus in its liquid state as used in the TCM Fundamentals.
There are a few types of mucus:
I will discuss this in my later blogs.

Correlation Match: Large Intestine
The correlated match for the Lung is the Large Intestine in TCM Fundamentals.
Again this will be discussed in my blog later on.


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

Best of all, 


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