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This is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part 87

Hey, good day everybody, I'm back to do a comparison between the 4 formulae designated to "Cool the heaty blood in the way to Stop Bleeding" in the TCM perspective. 

These are the 4 formulae used in the above aforesaid catergory, namely;

  • Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang
  • Yu Nu Jian
  • Xiao Ji Yin Zi
  • Huai Hua San


It is particularly important to note:

  • Huai Hua San is Not suitable for Yin or Qi deficient patients

They may have some overlapping similar observations for selection of each formula. Therefore the specific observation would suffice the selection. 

Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang

is more suitable when these observations are more obvious : 

  • accumulated heat had scorched the blood collateral causing:
  • blood vomitting 
  • epistaxis 
  • blood urine 
  • bloody stool (These are caused by the heat forcing blood to flow out of its own pathway.  The collateral is further break into [yang type coĺlateral and the Yin collateral], yang type cause blood to flow off its path upwards inducing blood vomitting and epistaxis. And Yin type would cause bloody urine and stool in the downwards direction. 

Yu Nu Jian

is more suitable for when there is toothache with or without bleeding.

The prerequisite of :Shao Yin Bu Zhu and Yang Ming You Yu are the deciding factors in selecting this formula. 

The overall effect is to:

  • Cool the blood flow and stop bleeding in the TCM perspective 

Xiao Ji Yin Zi 

is quite similar to Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang particularly:

  • 1) is a natural powerful remedy for treatment of blood urine.
  • 2) is appropriate and primarily suitable for eliminating carbuncle

Huai Hua San

is more suitable for bleeding from the Intestine.  How and why factors are analysed in the previous blogs. Please do a quick revision. 

How to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions part 87 would return soonest. 

Lastly, I would leave you now so as to keep the message short and effectively clear.

Best of all 



( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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