Hey, I'm back to discuss the discrimination between Bai Du Tang and Ma Huang Tang and I feel so excited, do you? We've done quite a bit and learned more in-depth about TCM. Anyway, without delay, let's move on.
The Discrimination
This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions(part15).
Our topic is the treatment for flu caused by cold wind in paediatrics. We have 2 formulas commonly used:
Ma Huang Tang
This decoction is voted for these advantages:
- Induce perspiration
- Relief pain or ache
- Rather strong because of complementing effect of Ma Huang and Gui Zhi
On the contrary, if these symptoms are detected, then it's not the right choice:
- Spontaneous perspiration
- Late pulse reading on (chi)region of palpation
- Measle diagnosed
- Blood stasis
This would not be a good choice if spontaneous sweating is noticed even in cooler weather or air-conditioning environment. Secondly, it's necessary to observe the child after consuming the decoction for induced perspiration.
It is very important to use the correct amount of Ma Huang and Gui Zhi, NOT to overdose.
It is quite common to detect late pulse on palpation and extra caution must be exercised especially at the ring finger.
Other than these warnings, Ma Huang Tang would be a simple decoction with the correct quantity to induce perspiration and could treat these symptoms easily:
- chest tightness
- cough
- wind swelling
- bronchial asthma
All these would become very handy if you become qualified to use the appropriate portions or you can always write to me at CONTACT US in the MY blog's heading strip in blue background white words.
However, I'm not allowed to make the slightest mistake in clinical practice and it should apply across to everyone because we are healing a sick and not ending it. So if spontaneous sweating is seen, then Ma Huang Tang should not be considered at all.
Jing Fang Bai Du Tang
This is a very traditional TCM decoction for children's flu infection regardless of whether caused by the cold or hot wind. The fact of the Yuan Qi deficiency associated with the child, and that's the reason for the introduction of a small quantity of Ren Shen into the decoction to boost the Yuan Qi and the rest of decoction would defeat the 'poison' as depicted by the name (Bai Du). Jing Jie and Fang Feng would perform these functions:
- On seeing rashes appearing; it would release the accumulated rashes poison, like venting through from the interior to the exterior to prevent the rashes to turn into more complicated issues. This is only applicable from the TCM perspective.
- In addition, Jing Fang Bai Du Tang has these advantageous treatments for:
- body weakness
- pale complexion
- shortness of breath
- weakness of limbs
- dizziness
- spontaneous sweating
- a low and weak voice
- Xiao Qing Long Tang
- Can Su Yin
- Ge Gen Tang
- Xiao Chai Hu Tang
- Yin Qiao San
We would find out how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions above as and when necessary.
I'll leave you now and be back to discuss the next topic: treatment for flu caused by hot wind in the TCM perspective.
Best of all,
( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)