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How to link the TCM Fundamentals of 1st Yin Organ - the Heart with the Integumentary System

Hey, My next topic will be Pathological Causes and it's Characteristics, however, it would be necessary to show you How to link the TCM Fundamentals of 1st Yin Organ - the Heart with the Integumentary System.

On a block scale, the Integumentary System is an organ system consisting of the skin(the largest organ), hair, nails and the exocrine glands.


An introduction to the Spirit element is necessary for TCM foundations as it is essential to control, so to speak, the unrestricted movement of the body by brain and heart activities as in Western Medicine. This Spirit is termed as 'Shen'.  

1st Yin Organ - Heart
Permanent Resident: Shen
The Shen of the spirit in charge of the consciousness resides in the heart in TCM foundation.  Shen is the awareness or perception of one's belonging
and surrounding.  We will talk about Shen in my later blogs. 

Master of: Blood
The Heart pumps the blood through the arteries and capillaries to reach every part of the body to carry out physiological activities, especially to the largest organ, the skin. As long as the Heart can pump due to the fact of its very peculiar nature, it governs the blood flow to all parts of the body like a Master.

Clan: Pulse
Generally, the Clan means a close-knit of interrelated families, so any interrelated materials branch out from the heart, whether it is amplitude, width, or rate they are all interrelated to the blood and in turn are within the heart association. So the manifestation of the heart in its clan is the Pulse in TCM Fundamentals. So Pulse is the rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them.

Grouping to 5 Elements:  Fire
At this point, you just need to know the grouping of the Heart which is the Fire.  I will write a blog to discuss which elements are complimenting or restraining each other.

Physiological Function
The main function of the Heart is:
1) to circulate blood to every part of the body to carry out physiological activities. So it is the Master of the blood and pulse.
2)to control the state of consciousness in body and mind.
So it is also master of the consciousness.

Orifice:  The Tongue
The Heart has its orifice at the Tongue.  So I will write more on the observation of the Tongue to explain on the Yin Yang energy affecting the Heart when the body is sick.

Bodily Association:  Pulse
Very obvious, the Heart pumps the blood through the arteries and the resulting formation is the throbbing rhythm of the arteries.  Therefore the Heart's association on the body is the Pulse.

States of Condition:  manifest on the Face
In another word, whether and how is the heart performing its activities is manifested on the Face. Under normal condition, if a person is looking glamorous, then the Heart is likely to be in a good condition.  Likewise, I will write more in my later blog when necessary.

Emotion Classification: Happiness
When it comes to emotion, the Heart loves and be in charge of Happiness more than other classes.  Fear and Sad are bad to the Heart which I will discuss more later on.

Liquidity State:  in the form of Sweat
The Heart in its body fluid state is in form of Sweat. The integumental system has many exocrine glands which are feed by capillaries at the dermis layer to secrete sweat to the skin surface to regulate temperature for example. 
Just to quote you another example of sweat secretion during the onset of minor heart attack, usually than not, there will be big drops of sweat around the shoulder and upper chest indicating the sudden change of the heart condition.  (Cold Sweating)

Correlation Match:  Small Intestine
Coorelationship means a mutual relationship or connection between 2 things. So the correlation for the Heart in the body is the Small Intestine in TCthe M context.

I have summed up all the foundations for the Heart in the TCM context and hope to discuss with you if you any feedback.  I love to answer all of your feedback.


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

Best of all,



Physiological Characteristics development of the child in the context of TCM fundamentals

Hey, have I given you enough time to digest and 'absorb' the Yin Yang fundamentalsThese fundamentals are very, very important throughout the Traditional Chinese Medicine applications. The Fundamentals RULE throughout TCM practice worldwide. It's just like any fundamentals lay in any structure, without which, the structure will collapse in no time. There are a lot more which I'm going to write about in TCM theory and you would be able to digest them bit by bit just like the stages of baby growth discussed in the previous blogs.

Physiological Characteristics 

Today, I'm going to continue where I have left out on the Physiological Characteristic development of the child in the context of the TCM fundamentals. There are many ancient classical medical schools of thought advocating this topic in their specific fields.  However, only the most appropriate aces are then picked and categorised into these 2 main groups:

  1. The Vibrant and Rapid Development
  2. Delicate Organs in the Unfilled Shape
Based on these 2 benchmarks, another 2 relevant theories are formed, namely:

The Real Inner Layer of the Pericardium

The Vibrant and Rapid Development

The choice of these 2 words was enough to make them a metaphor to the rapid growth and development of childhood. We will look at it from the bodily growth perspective point of view:

These ancient physicians have observed this dynamic changes of every child possessing this vibrant and rapid development characteristic.  So much so they had established the Pure Yang Theory to umbrella this special phenomenon.

A diagram showing the Lung and Air Sacs
A diagram showing the Lung and the Air Sacs

However, by looking into the terminology of Yin Yang fundamentals alone, it doesn't mean that the child possesses only Yang energy with no Yin at all.  (I have to grab you out of this spin to rest and digest).  So the Pure Yang Theory only stipulate this vibrant and rapid development as the fundamentals. That's it.

Delicate Organs in Unfilled Shape

Take a break and pat yourself for well done.  In TCM fundamentals, when we refer to Delicate Organs, there are only 5 Yang organs and 6 Yin organs.  That's it.  The Pericardium is taken out but I would write on how The Pericardium correlates with the Triple Burner in acupuncture treatment in my blogs later.  
It would take at least one to two blogs to complete the explanations on these 2 organs, mainly the Pericardium and the Triple Burner.

An Anatomy of the Spleen
Anatomy of the Spleen

Ok, I'm going back to our topic again.  The  'Shape' consists of Body Structure, Fluid and 'Gasification' function(much like industry gasification). And 'Unfilled' refers to the physiological function that needed to be fortified. The observation was done on the child's Unfilled Shape by the ancient physician which formed the fundamentals of Juvenile Yin and Juvenile Yang theory.

From the Neonate to Childhood stage
A diagram showing the Heart

I hope you can 'absorb' some ideas on the above discussion.  The classification and terminology of both theories are straight forward and super, super easy. 


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

Best of all, 



The Philosophy of Yin Yang and 5 Elements Theory

Hey everybody, before I can write on the topic of a physiological characteristic of the child, I have to break here to introduce The Philosophy of Yin Yang and 5 Elements Theory to make clear the terminology and classification used through my blogs later on.  So what is the Philosophy of Yin Yang and 5 Elements Theory?   By and large, it is an ancient philosophy of dialectical materialism.  To make it simple, just break up the 3 words; philosophy, dialectical and materialism to each own definition. 

A Taoist priest holding the symbol of Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang

The ancient physician used this philosophy to accumulate clinical experiences and formed the fundamentals of the present-day Traditional Chinese Medicine System.
The fundamentals of Yin Yang and 5 Elements are:
When there is a Yin, there must be a Yang.  So Yin and Yang contains each other; one compliment and supplement each other.
There comes a time when one element has a deficiency or in abundance; each will either supplement or consume the other element, causing pathological conditions.

Yin and Yang Phenomena

The list of Yin and Yang phenomena is extensive, nevertheless, here are the few examples:



Yin Organs:

Yang Organs:

Yin and Yang in Balanced Equilibrium 
A Balanced Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang Pathology 

When Yang is excessive, it causes heat syndrome and vice verses the reverse takes place.
The same applies to the Yin force.  So the fundamentals of Yin and Yang rule everywhere.

Before I go on to my next blog to write on the child physiological characteristic, I like to quote you some very famous Yin and Yang phenomena that apply to everyone in daily routine.
  1. Being and non-being produce each other
  2. Difficult and easy complement each other
  3. Long and short define each other
  4. High and low oppose each other
  5. Fore and aft follow each other


Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

Best of all, 



Sensory Motor and Speech Development is directly correlated to the muscle growth and central nervous system

Hey, I'm very sure that this will be the most interesting blog you would like to check against and see the daily change in your baby.  Some parents even think of getting to reach home soonest to enjoy this ever-changing characteristic of the baby.  All these are taking place because the baby is ready to undergo the physiological changes in Sensory-Motor and Speech evolution. Primarily, the Sensory-Motor and Speech development is directly correlated to the muscle growth and central nervous system.

Sensory-Motor Development 

The neonate has 2 kinds of activities:

  1. Reflective ( sucking and sipping)
  2. Involuntary

We shall see all activities taking place in the order of:

  1. From the top(upper) to the bottom(lower)
  2. Inconsistency to coordination 
  3. Coarse to fine

After this, as the infant progress into the next stage and so on, a movement like climbing the stairs and jumping over will be more powerful, precise and accurate.

Accuracy and Precision

The stages of precisive movement development are reflected in how the child grips an object, like:

A 13 months old toddler stacking 2 blocks

A 5 months old infant raising the upper body trying to grasp object placed in front
An infant raising the upper body gripping object

Speech Development

The development of speech capability is often a reflection on the level of development of the central nervous system.  Generally, it has to be categorised into 4 stages:

Best of all, 




Limelight to the Fontanelles and the Deciduous Teeth because they form the ending transition of the develpoment portion

Hey, I'm back to write on the development transition of the child, I would like to add some Limelight to the Fontanelles and the Deciduous Teeth because they form the ending transition of the development portion.  So there are altogether 6 fontanelles, the 'soft spot' so to speak, noticeable right on top of the baby's head.  And they are positioned as follows:


Each of these fontanelles has a  very important profile related to 4 acupuncture points located just on top of this closure. (Anterior DU22 and 23; Posterior DU18 and 19) Off course, I will be illustrating how to use it effectively to treat migraine, prolapse, just to name a few in my later blogs. I have paste 4 diagrams below, each showing the position of the individual fontanelle on the skull.

Why are these fontanelles so important?  


It has to make provision for these bones of the skull to overlap each other so that the baby head can move through the birth canal.


The fontanelle provides space for brain development during the first two years of baby's life.  Please go to my previous blogs to read more.  

Time taken for closure of these fontanelles are as follows:

Indications or Clues

Slightly curved inwards

Dehydration due to improper bottled feed, vomiting, diarrhoea or overheated.

If slightly raised during crying and goes off when the baby stops crying, it is normal and nothing is wrong.
On the other hand, if the bulging did not subside after the baby stops crying and feeling a little hard, then it could be a sign of health problem.

So all these closure timings are indicators for normal condition.  Anything outside of these timing is indicators for medical conditions.  Your baby needs to see a doctor immediately.  I will write on intracranial pressure, stay small syndrome and congenital foolishness on related topics later on.

The position of anterior Fontanelle

The position of posterior Fontanelle

Sphenoidal Fontanelle

Mastoid Fontanelle


A child has 2 sets of teeth:

  1. Deciduous
  2. Permanent

 Best of all,



Growth Development and Physiological Characteristics

Hey, I am back to write the distinction between growth and development in this new blog. I will break the main topic of growth development and physiological characteristics into a few groups.

Growth and Development are 2 essential childhood physiological manifestations which are different from adults. Growth refers to a child physique build up and Development refers to the evolution of all physiological function.  The whole process of this never-ending growth evolution to perfection depicts this special characteristic of preadolescence.

Growth and Development

Growth Evolution

  • Physique transition
The regulatory overview of healthy child development is based on childhood physique growth.  This is also used as a mean to measure the state of health of a child in association with the municipal conditions, geographical and climatic environment, nutrition and prevailing diseases.

Given below are a physiological constant of the child physique builds up under normal conditions:


A Neonate normally weighs about 3kg and lose some weight during the 1st week, pegged at less than 10%.


There are 2 methods to measure the height of the child:

A new Neonate measure about 50cm in length and will continue to grow for 25 cm each year up to 2 years old.  This is the formula to use after 2 years old:

Upper Edge of the Symphysis Pubis

Over here I want to give an introduction to a reference point in the human body which I will be using in the later blogs in finding the various acupuncture points of the body for acute illness treatment.  This reference point is the Upper Edge of Symphysis Pubis as shown in the picture below.

The pointer on the upper edge of Symphysis Pubis

Pointing the position of the upper edge of Symphysis Pubis on the human body
The reference point at the upper edge of Symphysis Pubis

So, we are going to take 2 measurements:
  • The upper reading is taken from the top of the head to the upper edge of the symphysis pubis
  • The other lower reading from the upper edge of the synthesis pubis to the sole.
These 2 measurements will tell many growth-related facts, namely:
  1. The upper reading is the indicator of the growth rate of the spinal column.
  2. The lower reading is the indicator of the growth rate of the leg bones.
  • For the neonate, the upper reading is longer than the lower one, shifting the midpoint to the Tummy Button

  • 1 year old
  • The midpoint will shift down below the Tummy Button for the infant

  • 6 years old 
  • The midpoint continues to shift down to a point which is the midpoint between the Tummy Button and the upper edge of the symphysis pubis.

  • 12 years old
  • Midpoint shift to exactly at the upper edge of the symphysis pubis indicating both upper and lower reading is about the same.

How to measure it?

Using a soft measuring tape to start from the midpoint between 2 eyebrows which is the highest point, goes one round touching the posterior occipital tubercle is termed as the Head Circumference.
  • New neonate         34cm

  • 6months old          42cm

  • 12months old        46cm

  • 2years old              48cm

  • 5 years old             50cm

The possible medical condition is:
  • Brain Hypoplasia(if HC is too small)
  • Hydrocephalus(if HC is too big)

Chest Circumference

Again how are we going to measure it?

Using the soft measuring tape starting from the tip of either one shoulder blade goes one round touching the 2 nipples as the correct measurement.  Observe the breathing of the child and take the average reading in between the breathing.  Pretty good so far.
  • New neonate.             32cm

  • 12months.                   44cm

  • 24months.                   47cm

best of all, 



Childhood-is the time from being just a small kid at 7 years old to a 12 years old preteenager resembling an adult

Hey everybody, today I am going to write about Childhood.  So, Childhood-is the time from being just a small kid at 7 years old to a 12 years old preteenager resembling an adult. 

What is the expectation of a:-

  •  7 to 8 years ol
  •  8 to 9 years old
  •  9 to 10 years old 
  •  10 to 11 years old 
  •  11 to 12 years old

7 to 8 years old

Everything that you can expect is the sudden change in the child due to a hormone called Adrenarche, telling you that the child is reaching Puberty

At this stage,

  1. The child physique growth has increased steadily
  2. Mentally prepare to share and cooperate
  3. Height growth is about 6 cm per year
  4. Weight gain is approximately 3kg per year
  5. Lose 4 deciduous teeth per year

A 7 years old boy

8 to 9 years old

At this stage,

  1. Cognitive proficiency includes the use of fluent language to express an opinion
  2. The social-emotional function has taken a great leap ahead
  3. The ability to adapt to school life
  4. More coordinated and getting better off in games and sports
  5. Boy get underarm hair 
  6. The girl starts to develop breast "buds"

9 to 10 years old

At this stage,

  1. Immunisation and resistance against disease and common sicknesses have been better off

  2. Physiological function growth spurts at different rates that move each unique child into an adolescent

  3. Typically, girls tend to grow faster than the boy at this stage

10 to 11 years old

At this stage,

  1. Undoubtedly, this is the best opportunity to inculcate knowledge and to receive further education
  2. Enriching them with wisdom, moral character and experiences
  3. Parental involvement in ensuring sufficient balance in equilibrium between labour and sleep
  4. Eyesight care and caries prevention 
  5. And have abundant nutrition given to the children

11 to 12 years old

At this stage,

Physical changes in the girls
  • Breast development
  • Hair growth
  • Menstruation cycle

Physical changes in the boys

  • Penis and testicles get bigger
  • Hair growth in the pubic area and underarm
  • Muscle growth 
  • Deepening of the vocal voice 
  • Show a rebellious streak
  • Understanding of friendship and family moral 

Cognitive changes

  • Able to solve the problem logically with the parent's guidance

A 12 years old girl
A 12 years old girl

Best of all, 



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