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This is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part Ninety-five

Hey,  I'm back to commence on the analysis of :  

Sha Ren

The second monarch's herb which is the ripen fruit of these 3 plant species and they're :

  • Amomum Villosum
  • Amomum Longiligulare 
  • Amomum Xanthioides.  

The name amomum is ascribed to the various odoriferous plants out there. 

Without delay, we would now dive in to analyse this monarch's herb; Sha Ren

Why and This is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part 95, in this blog for Xiao Ru Wan. 

The reasons for the selection of Sha Ren as the monarch's herb are:

  • A) It can effectively dry-out the wetness and unblock the Qi stagnated at the spleen-stomach region or the mid-section in the TCM perspective.
  • B) It can calm and correct the fetal movement disorder and ease morning sickness in the early stage of pregnancy. 

It is a comestible medicinal plant and belongs to the ginger family which is grown as a cardamom-like spice.


Association to a Specific Meridian Channel

Sha Ren is associated with:
  1. Spleen
  2. Stomach - Meridian Channel respectively 

Specific Taste

The specific taste of  Sha Ren is 

Specific Properties

The Specific Property of:

Sha Ren is  warm.

As for the rule of thumb:

Apply  (Xin Wen Hua Shi Xing Qi Wen Zhong An Tai)  whenever Sha Ren is used.

I would like to leave you now so that you can digest this blog with more time.  So until then, stay safe.

Best of all,



( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)


This is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part Ninety-four

Hey, I'm back and ready to analyse the first monarch's herb  in the formula above. 

Without further delay, let's dive in to analyse :

Xiang Fu

The reasons for the selection of  Xiang Fu as one of the 4 monarch's herbs are:
  • A) It's a natural powerful remedy to ease and smoothen all indigestion caused by liver's Qi stagnation resulting in bloating and pain in the TCM perspective 
  • B) It has the capability to regulate menstruation which is not the primary concern over indigestion.  However, it is because of this capability, Xiang Fu can eliminate pain resulting from the bloating. 

Association to a Specific Meridian Channel

Xiang Fu is better known as Cyperus Rotundus in Latin and only the rhizome is used. It is associated with:  
  • San Jiao
  • Liver - Meridian Channel respectively 

Specific Taste

The specific taste of Xiang Fu is pungent and slightly sweet inclined to bitterness 

Specific Properties

The Specific Property of:

Xiang Fu is neutral 

As for the rule of thumb:

Apply (Xin Gan Ku Wen Shū Gān Lǐ Qì, Tiáo Jīng Zhǐ Tòng) whenever Xiang Fu is used.

I would like to leave you now so that you can digest this blog with more time. So until then, stay safe.

Best of all,


( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)


This is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part ninety-three

Hey, good day everybody, I'm back to start on a new chapter as we had done quite a bit in the previous months. The next treatment guidelines continue as we are still within the indigestion parameters.  Today I'm touching on the next formula after Bao He Wan and is called:

Xiao Ru Wan

As the remaining few herbs from the previous formula were analysed in the earlier blogs, it is worth the while browsing them again to refresh memories.

However, I'll write down the important points of their choice here:

  • Ban Xia - pushes the Qi in order to remove Stagnation regulating the stomach upset and stop vomitting eventually. It compliments Chen Pi in the TCM perspective.
  • Fu Ling - invigorates the Spleen and removes wetness in the TCM perspective.  It also stop Diarrhoea to a certain extend in the TCM perspective.
  • Lian Qiao - drains off the remaining heat generated by the blockage.

So now, without delay, let's start on how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions part 93 with:

Xiao Ru Wan

As you can see the above formula is selected for this application too. 

So it's all depends on the symptoms observed as this decoction has a slightly different treatment application.  Please refer to the previous blog for a good revision. 

The decoction comprises:

  • Xiang Fu
  • Shen Qu
  • Sha Ren
  • Mài Ya
  • Gan Cao
  • Chen Pi

Ease Indigestion and Unblock Stagnation

Xiao Ru Wan can ease blockage especially at the Hypopharynx region.  It combines 4 monarch herb's Properties so as to compliment each other in order to  lower the Qi level like that of Bao He Wan.  
The cause is obviously due to the irregular feeding and dairy indigestion.  The common symptoms are:
  • Diarrhoea
  • Vomiting 

I would like to leave you now with this blog so as to give you more time to digest it over the 2025 new year's eve.

Wishes you a very prosperous new year ahead

Best of all 



( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)


.this is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part 92

Hey, I'm back after a short break and how is everybody? Let's start straight on the analysis of  Bao He Wan using 

Chen Pi

to act more on as the division 4th officer's herb indirectly fuelling the desired reactions to ease indigestion in the TCM perspective. So, without further delay This is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part 92. 

The reasons for the selection of  Chen Pi as the 4th Division Officer's herb are:

  • 1) Chen Pi is able move and lower Qi level to ease Qi stagnation Primarily (bloating in the Stomach and Spleen region) actually invigorate blood as  stipulated in the TCM fundalmental respectively
  • 2) It also removes wetness Stagnation in the stomach and Spleen region, known as the mid section in TCM perspective
  • 3) It regulates the function of the stomach
  • 4) Although Chen Pi, can dissolve phlegm to subdue coughing as a secondary utilisation, is not the primary function however was always being mistaken by many others to be treated like one.

Let's start with the threshold established so far:

Association to a Specific Meridian Channel

Chen Pi which is the ripe peels  called Citrus Reticulates Blanco of the mandarin orange plant that aged for a year to 3 before used as TCM medicine.

Let's start with the threshold established so far:

Association to a Specific Meridian Channel

Chen Pi  is associated with the
  • Lung
  • Spleen - meridian channels respectively

Specific Taste

Chen Pi 
possesses a pungent taste inclined to bitterness. 

Specific Properties

Next, I'll touch on the specific property of  Chen Pi which is Warm.

As a rule of thumb, it is very appropriate to apply:

(Xin Ku Wen Lǐ Qì Tiáo Zhōng Zào Shī Huà Tán)

whenever Chen Pi is used.

I would like to leave you now with this blog so as to give you more time to digest it.

Best of all 



( Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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