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This Is How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Forty Five

Hey, I'm back to continue on the next new formula to show you how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions.   However as I've promised to make-up for Kidney's Yang and Yin deficiency to be discussed here.  The main difference between the 2 deficiencies can be found in my blog 37 published in October 2022.  So,what's left for us is just go straight into the treatment discussion.  Just before that, I've to bring up some new terminological phrases to supplement the fine-tuning discussion on kidney's deficiency.

These are the new terminological phrases to be learnt so as to further comprehend YinYang deficiency:

In the beginning,YinYang is comprehended as,

1) Xiang Ri Zhe Wei Yang, Bei Ri Zhe Wei Yin

Literally, this means whatever facing the sun depicts as Yang and the rest which is backfacing the sun would be Yin.

Next, Yin and Yang are then divided into two equal portions and all that is:

  • upward, 
  • forward, 
  • hot, 
  • solid, 
  • bright, 
  • exposed, 
  • invisible, 
  • active, 
  • rapid, 
  • exciting, etc.

all belong to the characteristics of "Yang

everything that is:

  • downward, 
  • backward, 
  • cold, 
  • empty, 
  • dark, 
  • obscure, 
  • tangible, 
  • quiet, 
  • slow,
  • restrained, etc., 

all belong to the characteristics of "Yin".

Now, so as to further elaborate on YinYang, I'll bring up a series of new terminological phrases which are:

2) Yin Yang Dui Li

This literally means YinYang would oppose each other. 

l'll use a person body's YinYang to further illustrate this point.  These are the Yin and Yang discrimination as follow:

  • the superficial surface is yang and on the contrary the interior is yin.   
  • the back is yang and the abdomen is yin  
  • The liver, heart, spleen, lung, and kidney are all yin,  
  • the gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder, and triple burner are all yang.  
  • the upper part of the human body is yang, and the lower part is yin 

Over here, l'll pause a little to side track some illustrations.   There are the usual Yin and Yang relation among the Yin organs in my explanation throughout these years.  Please refer to my blogs published in October 2020 for some revision on the 5 Yin organs.  As I've discussed earlier, both Yin as well as Yang are present in each organ.  I'll move on to the next paragraph to complete the YinYang discussion before returning to here again***.  Until then, please follow closely..

Whether should it be the upper, lower, interior or superficial parts of the human body, each individual part would comprise the unity of opposites of yin and yang.  In other words, when Yin is deficit, Yang would be in surplus or abundant.  Just to name one example which is the heart's Yin(Xin Yin) or heart's Yang(Xin Yang)

Next, l'll go on to the next terminological phrase  which is:

3)  Yin Zai Nei,Yang Zhi Shou Ye;Yang Zai Wai, Yin Zhi Shi Ye.

Yin is the vital interior substance

There is a necessity to raise the definition of blood in the TCM perspective.  (Blood is one of the basic substances that constitute the human body and maintain the life activities of the human body).  It is this similar substance definition to be utilised as Yin in the phrase above.  It's all started with YinYang interdependent on each other to survive which is the next new  terminological phrases sharing the same meaning: 

4) YinYang Yi Cun,YinYang Hu Gen

This is the meaning of the phrase above.  Yin being the vital substance, Yang would represent the active appearance.  The vital material is naturally resided in the organs interiorly, therefore Yin is situated internally, its active appearance is depicted externally as Yang which is situated externally.  So far okay.

In another words, the Yang which is the external active appearance is actually the movement of Yin and therefore Yang becomes Yin's messenger.  And Yin being situated internally is the basic substance producing these actions, therefore Yin becomes Yang's imperative interdependent substance hold within internally.  

The normal physiological activities of the human body are therefore, the process of yin and yang movement changes.

Hence, it is stipulated in the TCM classical books as in reference section below***, we always state:

  • the clear Yang or the good substance would rise and turbid Yin would excrete through the anus below.  


  • turbid Yin travels to the five Yin organs; 
  • Qi is Yang
  • Blood is Yin

Next, we would move into the discussion on how Yin Yang opposes each other and becomes imbalance.

  • 5)  YinYang Fan Zuo
  • 6)  YinYang Shi Tiao

It is normal for Yang becoming more dominary and Yin fall sick or in deficit and vice versa.

So this means Yang becomes surplus and tends to rise in temperature,on the contrary, when Yin becomes surplus,the body would feel cold.

I would group the next four phrases together as they are sharing the same meaning in YinYang.

  • 7)  Zhong Yang Bi Yin
  • 8)  Zhong Yin Bi Yang 
  • 9)  Han Ji Sheng Re
  • 10)  Re Ji Sheng Han

They refer to the similar meaning just like when extreme cold is experienced, hot would be the next appearance.  This is a typical cycle and it would go on and on.***

Now, it's time to answer my question after Yin Yang Dui Li above, Yin always rely on Yang to rise and Yang in turn needed Yin to grow.  They are inseparable. There is no such thing as to have only one without the other in the living being.  It is either surplus or deficit.  

The next phrase,(differentiating YinYang), is important.  It's positioned well before the observation of the five colours of the body and facial appearance and reading the pulse to determine the diagnostic treatment.  The prior discrimination of Yin Yang is of prime importance.  How to determine Yin or Yang is a special technique to hold for now and I'll unveil it later on.

  • 11)  Cai Se An Mai,Xian Bie Yin Yang

When the colour of the body or facial appearance is bright and fresh depicting pathology is at Yang, on the contrary if the colour is dull and dim depicting pathology is at Yin.

  • 12)  Se Ze Xian Ming Wei Bing Zai Yang Fen
  • 13)  Se Ze Hui An Wei Bing Zai Yin Fen

Finally, YinYang depends on something called "Ba Gang" diagnosis which is: 

  • Yin 
  • Yang 
  • Interior 
  • Exterior 
  • Cold 
  • Heat 
  • Deficit 
  • Surplus(abundance)

YinYang Shi "Ba Gang" Bian Zheng refers to (Yin, Yang, Biao, Li, Han, Re, Xu, Shi)

Once Yin or Yang is identified and should lead the rest.  When pathology is at Yin,  it's best to treat Yang and vice versa.  Next is to stabilise the blood flow and Qi flow so that each flows in their respective path.

  • 14)  Shen Qi YinYang
  • 15)  Yi Bie Rou Gang 
  • 16)  Yang Bing Zhi Yin
  • 17)  Yin Bing Zhi Yang
  • 18)  Ding Qi Xue Qi
  • 19)  Ge Shou Qi Xiang

Hence, in order to effectively tonify Yang, it's necessary to derive and tonify at Yang in the midst of Yin.  Many TCM practitioners had paused here and never explain further.  After derivation of Yang; Yang could, with the assistance of Yin, achieve endless growth and recovery.  On the contrary,  after derivation of Yin with the assistance of Yang,  Yin would rise and obtained wellness like ever-flowing spring. 

  • 20)  Shan Pu Yang Zhe
  • 21)  Bi Yu Yin Zhong Qiu Yang
  • 22)  Ze Yang De Yin Zhu Er Sheng Hua Wu Qiong
  • 23)  Qiang Pu Yin Ze
  • 24)  Bi YuYang Zhong Qiu Yin
  • 25)  Ze Yin De Yang Sheng Er Quan Yuan Bu Jie

I'll leave you now because you needed to earmark this blog as reference to all YinYang puzzle that you may come across.  Next, obviously you needed  more time to digest this blog and I would have to postpone the new formula analysis to the next blog.

Best of all,



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)




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