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This is How to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions Part Sixty Six

Hey, I'm back and before we go on to the next stage, just let me refresh where is our position?   We are now entering: 

Ying Xue Level 

where the heaty infection further worsens and penetrates to this level,with the expected observation would be seizure with rashes.  

The treatment formulas are

1)   Qing Ying Tang   and 

2)   Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang

And I'll discuss the former formula which is 

  • Qing Ying Tang

All this formula takes care are:
when heat(causing feverish temperature) encounters extreme Yin especially in the cold morning or late night to worsen further.  The treatments encircled are:

  • The Ability to wake the Delirium caused by heat and stabilise emotion
  • Calming the Shen which appears to be anxious 
  • Overcome Sleep deprivation 
  • Subdue and clear dark purple-red rashes 

The next thing is Jing Yin Hua, Huang Lian, Ying Qiao and  Zhu Ye would not be analysed in this blog.  Please refer to my blog: Yin Qiao San published in February 2023 as a quick revision. 

Just to refresh memories again, sometimes back in 2021,I'd introduced these TCM terminologies which are very important in deciding on treatment methods and they are:

  • Using sweet flavour and cooling property herbs to clear heaty virus infections 
  • Using bitter flavour and cooling property herbs to clear heaty virus infections
  • Using bitter flavour and cooling property herbs to dissipate heaty virus infections
  • Using salty flavour and cooling property herbs to clear heaty virus infections

They are of particular importance in the discrimination of what to apply in clinical observations.

Without delay, the obvious Monarch's herb are:

1) Xi Jiao* and

2) Sheng Di

I'll discuss Xi Jiao first in this blog followed by Sheng Di in the next. 


Monarch Herb

This is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part 66.  The reasons for selection of Xi Jiao as the monarch's herb is:

  • Xi Jiao is an effective remedy for clearing accumulated heat causing blood to flow out of its normal path resulting in 
  • 1) vomitting blood
  • 2) epistaxis and 
  • 3) any other blood disordered flow in the TCM perspective
  • Subsiding high feverish temperature and even waking the delirium due to accumulated Combined heat and wetness  

Let's start with the threshold established so far:

Association to a Specific Meridian Channel

Xi Jiao is better known as Rhinoceros unicornis or the horn  of the rhinoceros.  It is the fact that rhino species are listed as national protected animals from 1993,so the horn of buffalo (better known as Bubalus bubalis) has replaced it ever since then. By and large, buffalo's horn has very close properties similar to the Xi Jiao.  

Xi Jiao is associated with the: 
  • Heart 
  • Liver  
  • Stomach - meridian channels respectively

Specific Taste

Xi Jiao possesses a bitter - salty taste.  

Specific Properties

Next, I'll touch on the specific property of 
  • Xi Jiao
which is cold.

As a rule of thumb, it is very appropriate to apply:
  • (Ku Xian Han Liang Xue Zhe Xue Xie Huo Jie Du An Shen Ding Jing) 
whenever Xi Jiao is used.

I'll leave you now so that you can link up this blog with the previous ones to digest it effectively.

Best of all, 



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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