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This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions part twenty nine


Hey, I'm back to continue on today's topic which is the selection and reasons why they are the 4th Division Officer's herbs in the decoction.

The three 4th Division Officer's herbs are:

  • Wu Wei Zi
  • Fa Ban Xia
  • Shao Yao

Yes and thank you very much for the messages.   I did received messages from readers that I should include the formula for Gui Zhi Tang for easy identification and discrimination of the main formula and the shadow.

So here is the original version of the Gui Zhi Tang:
  • Sheng Jiang
  • Gui Zhi
  • Shao Yao
  • Da Zao
  • Gan Cao
The Shadow is:
  • Gan Jiang
  • Gui Zhi
  • Shao Yao
  • Gan Cao
Over here, there is no shadow of Da Zao as it is also functioning as: 
  • coordinator to tie up with the monarch and minister herbs to enhance the therapeutic effect of the decoction as well as directly treat minor complications.   
  • slow down agent to weaken the strong effect of monarch and minister herbs.  
Therefore Da Zao is used not in Xiao Qing Long Tang as not necessary because of the presence of Gan Cao.

Let's analyse them in detail with the thresholds established. 

The scientific name for the Shao Yao is: Paeonia Lactiflora or better known as the Peony plant and only the root is used.  A peony is a bright red flower.    

First of all, Shao Yao is divided into 2 types namely:
  • Bai Shao - (white)
  • Chi Shao - (red)
The difference between them is:
  • The former is cultivated and thus becomes plump and straight,
  • The latter is a natural wild herb and so is thin.

Association to the Specific Meridian Channels    

Bai Shao  is associated with the following meridian channels:

  • Liver 
  • Spleen - Meridian Channels respectively

Chi Shao is associated with the following meridian channels:
  • Liver Meridian Channel

Bai Shao is suitably used for these purposes:
  • antispasmodic
  • analgesic
  • menstrual
It is especially effective for women's abdominal pain, stomach cramps, dizziness, gout and diuresis. 

Chi Shao is suitably used for these purposes:
  • dispersing stasis 
  • promoting blood circulation
  • relieving pain 

Specific Taste

The Specific Taste of Shao Yao:

Bai Shao - is bitter and sour
Chi Shao - is bitter

Specific Property

The specific property of :

Bai Shao  and Chi Shao - both are slightly cold

The rest of the 2 herbs:
  • Wu Wei Zi
  • Fa Ban Xia
will not be discussed here as they are already explained in the previous blogs.  The same would be applied to Shao Yao and you can refer to it whenever you come across Bai Shao and Chi Shao in the future.

However, it is necessary to point out the primary functions of the 3 herbs in the decoction.
  • Wu Wei Zi - astringe air (Qi) in the Lung to reduce cough
  • Fa Ban Xia - dissolve phlegm and eliminate carbuncle
  • Shao Yao - invigorate blood

Apply (Ku Suan Han Yang Xue Lian Yin Rou Gan Zhi Tong) whenever Bai Shao is used.
Apply (Ku Han Qing Re Liang Xue Zhi Tong Qu Yu) whenever Chi Shao is used. 

I'll be back soonest leaving you amble time to digest this blog. 

Best of all,



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)


How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Twenty Eight

Hey, I'm back to continue on today's topic which is the selection and reason why they are: 

The minister's herbs

  • Xi Xin
  • Gan Jiang

in the decoction.

Over here, I guess you should notice that Xi Xin and Gan Jiang are both the minister's herbs similar to what is found in the She Gan Ma Huang Tang.  Therefore it is very obvious to explain how they function in the decoction as against Sheng Jiang and Xi Xin.
First and foremost, Sheng Jiang and Gan Jiang both share the same scientific name.
I'll list out the special property of Gan Jiang which can:
  • Flush through the blockage of the Heart's Yang
  • Warm up the cold accumulated in the 12 YinYang organs
  • Heat the cold accumulated in the 12 meridian channels
  • Relieve the cold stomach ache or diarrhoea.

Before I go on to the further explanation, I would like to fulfil my promise in the last blog to reveal a little more about the shadow of Gui Zhi Tang.  The very prime function of Gui Zhi Tang is:
  • Using Pungent taste and warm properties to eliminate symptoms due to superficial exterior deficiency
  • Combining the effect of Shao Yao, Gan Jiang, Gan Cao and Wei Zi with Gui Zhi to strengthen the Spleen-stomach defence mechanism.
Okay, I would stop here on this shadow and would go on to explain other important shadows as and when necessary especially on backache in my later blogs.

Association to a Specific Meridian Channel

Gan Jiang is associated with:
  • Lung
  • Spleen
  • Stomach - Meridian Channels respectively.
Again as a rule of thumb, apply:
  • (Xin Wen Wen Fei Zhi Ke) 
whenever Gan Jiang is used.

This is part and parcel of revision now and it is necessary so that you can envisage the usefulness of the Minister's herbs in aiding the Monarch's herbs.

Upon observing:

  • There is No perspiration
  • Asthmatic conditions worsen when reclined
  • Body ache detected
  • Light oedema observed

Xi Xin and Gan Jiang would fuel the Monarch's herbs to eliminate these superficial symptoms.

Best of all,



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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