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How to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions part three

Hey, I'm back to continue on the remaining part under Relief Shock and Resuscitation.  This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions. (part 3)

Relief Shock and Resuscitation

Concerning the previous blog:

3)  When the sweltering heat becomes so severe that heat had penetrated the Ying Xue level, so much so that convulsion would turn into unconsciousness, the treatment formulas are:  (apply:- Zhen Jing Kai Qiao, Qing Re Jie Du)
  • An Gong Niu Huang Wan
  • Zhi Bao Dan

4)   If the deeply trapped phlegm of the frightened child moves upwards to the head in the TCM perspective causing shock with convulsion. (Apply:- Huo Tan Kai Qiao,  Xing Qi Zhi Tong,  Kai Qiao Ding Jing,  Qing Re Hua Tan)

The treatment formulas are :
  • Su He Xiang Wan
  • Xiao Er Hui Chun Dan

***Availability and Precaution

These 4 types of pills or pill balls described in this blog are available but subject to the test of reality and reliability or otherwise is just another second rate medication.  The production method and usage of real herbs are scrutinised under modern and efficient equipment that can then be packaged for medical facilities to save a life in critical moments are then considered as the real type.

I'll elaborate further as l break down the formula to discriminate between the two formulas in each category in my later blogs.

So there are too many herbs to be studied in this blog and I'll stop here and let you have more time to digest them.

Best of all



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)


How to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions part two


Hey, I'm back to continue on the chapter left out from the previous week of the real various decoctions as I promised to list them in the glossary now.  This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions. (part 2)

The above five charts are all decoctions and TCM terminologies that I promised you in the previous blog regarding:
  • Relief cough
  • Remove heat and detoxification  
The next treatment guidelines continue as follows:

Cooling the heaty blood in the way to Stop the Bleeding

This method is usually applied to areas of light bleeding and internal haemorrhage, namely:
  • Nasal bleeding
  • Gum bleeding
  • Hematuria
  • Blood in stool
From the TCM perspective, the common blood disorders are anaemia and bleeding disorders caused by:
  • Heaty blood flows in a very arrogant manner as well as 
  • Not circulating in the proper channels.  
These conditions are then aggravated by the Qi, Yin and Spleen deficiency generally found in the children.
Treatment formulas include the following decoctions:
  • Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang
  • Yu Nu  Jian
  • Xiao Ji Yin Zi
  • Huai Hua San
A caring practitioner would add herbs to strengthen the Qi, nourishing the Yin and invigorate the spleen in the decoction selection.

Ease Indigestion and Unblock Stagnation

This method is relatively easy and mainly applicable to the infant irregular feeding and dairy indigestion.   The common symptoms are:
  • Diarrhoea
  • Vomiting 
The usual treatment formulas are as follows:
  • Bao He Wan
  • Xiao Ru Wan
  • Zhi Shi Dao Zhi Wan

Relief Shock and Resuscitation

This method is usually applied to Pediatric convulsion and epilepsy.  The observed symptoms and the applicable relevant TCM terminologies would more or less narrow down to which formula to be used.
The usual treatment formula with the relevant terminology is as follow:

1) A frightened child with uneasy emotion=( apply:-An Shen  Zhen Jing)
  • Zhu Sha An Shen Wan
  • Ci Zhu Wan
2) When there is a convulsion due to sweltering heat accumulated=(apply:-Zhen Jing Xi Feng)
  • Ling Jiao Gou Teng Tang

There are a lot of cross-references to be made to the last blog on the decoction
glossaries so that the explanation can be digested easier.  So I will stop here and continue on the treatment decoctions in the next blog (part three).


Best of all



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)


How to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions part one

Wow, wow, I'm back to discuss the new chapter on the real various decoctions prepared for the virus infections observed so far.  This is how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions. (part 1)

Just before I move into the breakdown of each decoction and so on, there are a few things to take care of.

Special Guidelines

So there are quite a few special  guidelines to follow in the administration of the herb as:
  • Just in time AdministrationAccuracy with Cautiousness
  • Sufficient and stop
  • Preparation methods

Just in time Administration, Accuracy with Cautiousness

The child being possessed of Juvenile Yin and Juvenile Yang quality reveal as the vibrant development will react to medication at a fast rate.  So the administration and accuracy with caution of the relevant medication are very important. 

Sufficient and stop 

Therefore, the cautious selection of the herbs in terms of specific taste and property depicting the usage is important in the child's treatment. 
The usage of certain herbs that possess the strong taste of: 
  • Very bitter
  • Very spicy
And the specific property of :
  • Poisonous
  • Very cool
  • Very warm
are prohibited or use only a small quantity sufficient for one dosage and stop when the required recovery is obtained.

Preparation methods

Very well, I'll move on to the preparation of the decoction.
By and large, the preparation of the decoction for the child is similar to the adult in terms of:
  • Which are those herbs to be cook first
  • Which are those herbs to be added later 
  • Which are those herbs  to be filled in sachet
  • How to add in the instant or creamy herb
Next, the quantity of the decoction dosage will be decided according to the following:
  • Infant=60 to 100 ml
  • 1 year old to 3 years old=150 to 200ml
  • Preschooler=200 to 250ml


The usual treatment for children are categorised and strictly complied with  the guidelines below:
(Each category has 2 formulas and which one that will turn up to be more appropriate in the application selection will be discussed later in the next few blogs) 

Relief Wind and Resolve the Ache

Flu caused by Feng Han=
  • 1)Ma Huang Tang     
  • 2)Jing Fang Bai Du Tang

Flu caused by Feng Re= 
  • Yin Qiao San
  • Sang Ju Yin                                     
Relief Cough and Ease Asthmatic Condition
Flu with Cold phlegm trapped deeply can be relieved by warming the lung and disperse the cold, dissolving the deep phlegm and relieving the asthmatic condition.  Treatment formulas are:
  • Xiao Qing Long Tang
  • She Gan Ma Huang Tang
Flu with Heaty phlegm contained deeply can be relieved by removing the heat and dissolve the phlegm, clear the lung airway and relieving the asthmatic condition.

Treatment formulas are:
  • Ding Chuan Tang
  • Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang

When the child has been coughing for a reasonable time, the intrinsic body nature being easily infected with the cold or heaty virus would result in kidney deficiency and the TCM remedy for this condition is to warm the kidneys and to improve air intake and circulation.
Treatment formulas are:
  • Hei Xi Dan
  • Can Ha San

Remove Heat and Detoxification 

This method of treatment is used when heat is concentrated and the following terminologies are very vital in all future TCM treatment applications:
  • Using sweet flavour and cooling property herbs to clear heaty virus infections 
  • Using bitter flavour and cooling property herbs to clear heaty virus infections
  • Using bitter flavour and cooling property herbs to dissipate heaty virus infections
  • Using salty flavour and cooling property herbs to clear heaty virus infections
Like I mentioned earlier, this new chapter will be a new opening to how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions.
So the application of the correct decoction would be determined by the degree of heat concentrations at these levels:
  • Superficial level
  • Interior level
  • Wei, Qi, Ying, Xue, 4 levels
When the heaty infection is in between superficial and interior levels, the treatment formulas are:
  • Zhi Zi Chi Tang
  • Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang
So when the heaty infection gets into the Yang Ming level which is also the interior level, the treatment formula is:
  • Bai Hu Tang
The next stage would be the heat combined with the wetness to turn into what TCM termed as Fire which will cause intermittent fever and the treatment formulas are:
  • Bai Tou Weng Tang
  • Yin Chen Hao Tang
  • Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan
If the heaty infection further worsens and penetrates to the Ying Xue level,with the expected observation would be seizure with rashes, the treatment formulas are:
  • Qing Ying Tang
  • Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang
Over here, I pause awhile to introduce more TCM terminologies for considerations in herbs selection in all future analyses:
  • Qing Re Jie Du Liang Xue
  • Ding Chuang Zou Huang
  • Xia Li Nong Xue
  • Jie Du Xie Huo
These terminologies will be explained in the next blog as it is rather academic and lengthy.
And now I'll move back to the last part of this blog, so when the condition further worsens as dysentery pus is observed with boils on the skin turn red and painful.  The treatment formulas are:
  • Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
  • Xie Xin Tang
I hope this blog is not too confusing and therefore I'll list the terminologies and the decoctions at the beginning of the next blog as the continuation of this therapeutic analysis.

Best of all



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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