Hey, I'm back to complete the analysis of the Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang and re-emphases that Gan Cao would not be analysed in the next blog.
Without delay, the 2 minister's herbs are:
Minister's herbs
- Huang Qin
- Huang Lian
This is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part forty nine.
Let's start with the threshold established so far:
Association to a Specific Meridian Channel
- Lung
- Large Intestine
- Gall Bladder
- Small Intestine - Meridian Channels respectively
- (Ku Han Qing Re Zao Shi Xie Huo Jie Du Zhi Xue An Tai)
- the Bitter taste
- Cooling effect
- Reduce temperature of fever from heat and wetness
- Overcome chest tightness
- Remove tongue thick coating
- Subdue cough due to heat and wetness
- Reduce and ease Epistaxis and related blood problem
- Heart
- Large Intestine
- Liver
- Stomach - Meridian Channels respectively
- Diarrhoea as a result of heat and wetness stagnated at Stomach and Intestine.
- Pain and swelling of eye and ear as a result of severe heat accumulated.
- Carbuncle formed.
- (Ku Han Qing Re Zao Shi Xie Huo Jie Du)
Specific Properties
- Huang Qin
- Huang Lian
I'll leave you now to digest this blog with time and be back soonest with the verdict between the 2 decoctions.
Best of all,