Hey, I'm back to continue on the analysis of the Bai Tou Weng Tang and reiterate that Huang Lian would not be analysed in this blog. Please refer to my blog: part 49 published in February 2023 as a quick revision for Huang Lian.
Without delay, the 2 minister's herbs are:
Minister's herbs
- Huang Lian
- Huang Bai
This is how to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions part 54. The reasons for selection of Huang Lian and Huang Bai as the minister's herb are:
- Both Huang Lian and Huang Bai are effective diarrhoea remedies and would therefore fuel the power of Bai Tou Weng in treating dysentery.
Let's start with the threshold established so far:
Association to a Specific Meridian Channel
- Bladder
- Kidney - Meridian Channels respectively
Specific Properties
- Huang Bai
- Huang Lian
- (Ku Han Qing Re Zao Shi Xie Huo Jie Du)