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This Is How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Thirty Four

Hey, I'm back to discuss with you the effect of the messenger's herb.  Very excited and interesting, I need to remind everyone that we are still on the same topic(Ding Chuan Tang) on the removal of hot phlegm caused by a cold virus.    

The Messenger's Herb

Normally, it is common to use 

  • Gan Cao 

to regulate the whole decoction to become more digestive to be absorbed by the child. 

The threshold analysis on Gao Cao can be referred to in my earlier blog and so it wouldn't be explained here.

As our present topic is to 

  • dissolve hot sticky phlegm 

So I'll go straight into the effect of Ding Chuan Tang.

There are several ways to analyse the functions of the decoction and one of the ways is to list out the treatment capabilities of all the herbs to determine the decoction's functions as;

  • (Xin Ku Wen Fa Han Ping Chuan Li Shui) whenever Ma Huang is used.
  • (Xin Wen Zhi Ke Ping Chuan Run Chang Tong Bian) whenever Su Zi is used.***
  • (Xin Wen Hua Tan Zhi Ke Zhi Tu San Jie) whenever Fa Ban Xia is used***
  • (Xin Wen Zhi Ke Hua Tan) whenever Kuan Dong Hua is used.***
  • (Ku Wen Chu Fan Qing Xin Huo Jiang Qi******whenever North Xing Ren is used.
  • (Gan Wen Run Fei Zhi Ke)***Whenever South Xing Ren is used
  • (Gan Ku Se Ping Lian Fei Ping Chuan Zhi Ke) whenever Bai Guo is used***
  • (Gan Han Xie Fei Ping Chuan Li Niao Xiao Zhong) whenever Sang Bai Pi is used.******
  • (Ku Han Qing Re Cao Shi Zhi Xue An Tai) whenever Huang Qin is used.***

To flag off the discrimination and selection, it is good to restate the prime importance which is dissolving the hot phlegm due to cold virus invasion as the root cause.
There are altogether 5 hot(wen) herbs{north and south Xing Ren as one} combined to warm the Lung to eliminate the cold virus as the root cause. It is part and parcel of the TCM fundamentals that prolong cold trapped or accumulated would generate heat.  Therefore we have Bai Guo(Ku), Sang Bai Pi(Han) and Huang Qin(Han) to overcome this heat. (indicated by the blue asterisk).

Next, the striking phenomena would be the obvious appearance of the child's continuous asthmatIc breathing or continuous coughing which is handled by the selection of all these herbs:
  • Zhi Ke Ping Chuan-  Su Zi
  • Hua Tan Zhi Ke -  Fa Ban Xia
  • Zhi Ke Hua Tan -  Kuan Dong Hua
  • Run Fei Zhi Ke - South Xing Ren
  • Ping Chuan Zhi Ke - Bai Guo
  • Ping Chuan - Sang Bai Pi
  • Ping Chuan-  Ma Huang           

Notice that there are 7 out of 9 herbs in the formula already being selected to provide principal treatment being tailor for this hot phlegm removal.

So this is one method and I'll discuss the other methods as and when necessary.

On the whole, we have to memorise these effects;
  • Ma Huang disperses the lungs which opposes the effect of Bai Guo astringing the lung's air path but inturn complementing each other to calm asthma. 
  • The former disperses but the latter astringes, depicting the opposite effect.
  • The minister's herbs would astringe the flow of Qi (Qi flow must not surge upwards causing choke or force airflow in the wrong path and direction) 
  • Dissolving hot phlegm; 
  • Sang Bai Pi and Huang Qin would clear the heat accumulated in the lungs.   

Once again, I'll leave you now so that  you can digest this blog with more time and get prepared for the next new decoction.



Best of all 


EmpersaleInterior Sutra is available on sale and better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)


This Is How to Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Thirty Three


Hey, I'm back to continue on today's topic which is the selection and reasons why they are the 4th Division Officer's herbs in the decoction.

The two 4th Duty division Officer's herbs are:

  • Huang Qin 
  • Sang Bai Pi

Let's analyse them in detail with the thresholds established. 

The scientific name for: 

Huang Qin is Scutellaria Baicalensis Georgi and only the root is used. 

Sang Bai Pi is Morus Alba and only the root's bark is used.

Association to the Specific Meridian Channels    

Huang Qin is associated with the following meridian channels:

  • Lung 
  • Gall Bladder
  • Stomach
  • Large Intestine - Meridian Channels respectively

Sang Bai Pi is associated with the following meridian channels:
  • Lung Meridian Channel only

Huang Qin is suitably used for these purposes:
  • Reduce Jaundice, Diarrhea, heat Stranguria
  • Subdue heaty Cough, high Fever, Polydipsia
  • Eliminate Epistaxis, carbuncle Swelling and Sore

Sang Bai Pi is suitably used for these purposes:
  • Disperse Lung's heat to subdue cough and therefore would dissolve phlegm
  • Reduce oedema
  • Hypotensive capabilities which is an important factor to remember, watch out for hypertension and hypotension patients.

Specific Taste

The Specific Taste of: 

Huang Qin - is bitter 

Sang Bai Pi - is sweet

Specific Property

The specific property of :

Huang Qin and Sang Bai Pi - are  cold

Apply (Ku Han Qing Re Cao Shi Zhi Xue An Tai) when Huang Qin is used.
Apply (Gan Han Xie Fei Ping Chuan Li Niao Xiao Zhong) when Sang Bai Pi is used.

I'll leave you now with plenty of time to digest this blog and would be back soonest. 

Best of all,



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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