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This is How To Analyse The Therapeutic Functions Of The Various Decoctions Part Sixty Five

Hey, I'm back to discuss with you the discrimination between the 3 formulae given below.  I'm feeling very excited and refreshing.

Just to refresh your memory, our theme for these 3 formulae is the removal of heat and wetness which fits into our original topic; accumulated heat would combine with the wetness and turn into what TCM termed as Fire*** which will cause intermittent fever working within the perimeter.

  • Bai Tou Weng Tang
  • Yin Chen Hao Tang
  • Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan

First and foremost, we have to memorise that Bai Tou Weng Tang encircles around a heaty:

  • Dysentery 
and it has to be caused by heat accumulated in the Zhong Jiao and termed as (heaty dysentery) in the TCM perspective.   Nowaday, we are almost impossible to see a Dysentery patient in any walk-in consultation, it is very rare.  However and moreover it is part and parcel to learn about Dysentery, so that you would know there is a direct treatment for it by applying  Bai Tou Weng Tang.

Bai Tou Weng Tang is applied when these observations are found:

  • A) Dysentery and always accompanied with:
  • B) Stomachache
  • C) Tenesmus
  • D) Burning sensation at the anus
  • E) Stool's colour should be more red(bloody) than white

The next formula is 
Yin Chen Hao Tang

There is only one point to memorise for this formula's applicationIf the observation of any juandice and related phenomena is recorded, then Yin Chen Hao Tang would be the first choice to be considered.

The last one is Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan.
Once again, there is one discrimination point to memorise about Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan, which is the pathological phenomenon when severe heat and wetness are observed than any other complaints.  And that's why l had listed out the pathological situations in the previous blog.

And the pathological situation lies in the Qi level, where
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Chest tightness 
  • Abdominal distension (bloated)
  • Sore throat
  • Pain
  • Yellow body and eyes 
  • Swelling and thirsty
  • Short red urine
  • Diarrhea

is observed

Although each formula has its own specific purpose but it's not difficult to learn and discriminate between them.  I'll leave you now so that you can spend time to digest them  and would be back soonest with the next new exciting formula and to start how to analyse the therapeutic functions of the various decoctions.

Best of all,



Emperor's Interior Sutra is available on sales better known as the esoteric scripture of the yellow emperor in Amazon, it's just a different way of naming the book cover)

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